Tag: Web development
HTTP heuristic caching (missing cache-control and expires headers) explained
Posted on March 22, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Paul Calvano explains why WebPageTest can sometimes show that a repeat view loaded with less bytes downloaded, while also triggering warnings related to browser caching. It can seem like the test is reporting an issue that does not exist, but in fact it's often a sign of a more serious issue that should be investigated.
Tags programming web-development
Why performance matters
Posted on March 16, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Jeremy Wagner wrote this piece about a common problem: Performance. Sites and apps are richer in functionality than ever before. As a consequence, they've become more demanding of network and device resources. So much so, that we now struggle with achieving a high level of performance across a variety of network conditions and devices.
Tags programming web-development javascript
17 JavaScript / Node.js performance coding tips to make applications faster
Posted on March 15, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
Paul Shan article about misconceptions, shallow knowledge, bad assumptions among the JavaScript community members. In this article author has come up with a list of tips, which can make your JavaScript application faster.
Tags programming javascript web-development
Introducing Twirp RPC framework for Golang
Posted on January 19, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Spencer Nelson published article in which he introduced an RPC framework they use for communication between backend servers written in Golang. It's called Twirp, and it's available now under an Apache 2 open source license.
Tags apis web-development infosec
Practical guide for UX and Agile website development
Posted on January 18, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Jon-Mikel Bailey wrote this guide to UX and Agile website development. Many experts argue for a more agile approach with sprints based on user feedback and statistical website data. And author agrees that they're not necessarily wrong.
Tags ux web-development
The art of the error message
Posted on January 15, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
Marina Posniak article about writing clear, helpful copy for when things go wrong. Article about an everyday type of failure that doesn't get much attention in the product development process.
Tags programming web-development
Lambda architecture at Indix p1
Posted on January 13, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Rajesh Muppalla article about how they at Indix went about implementing stateless lambda architecture for building the big data pipeline. They have built a catalog of several million products and billions of price points collected from thousands of e-commerce websites.
Tags programming web-development cio
Basics of parallel programming with Swiftlang
Posted on January 6, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Jan Olbrich wrote article about his and his team experience with understanding topics like concurrency and parallelism. Together you will learn how to program concurrently.
Tags swiftlang programming web-development
Building Inclusive Web: Why Accessibility Matters
Posted on December 12, 2017, Level beginner Resource Length long
Sami Keijonen has written this good article about accessibility and why it matters. Accessibility matters because we, the people, want to use the web. Working towards an inclusive web helps us achieve that goal.
Tags ux web-development
Atomic design in web development
Posted on December 3, 2017, Level beginner Resource Length long
Dave Rupert blog post which is complenetary to his book about Atomic design. A lot has been said about creating design systems, and much of it focuses on establishing foundations for color, typography, grids, texture and the like.
Tags ux web-development
Make a Node.js Twitter Bot
Posted on December 2, 2017, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Ryan wrote neat article about Node.js bot application. It uses the Twitter API in order to make requests for that Twitter Bot, such as tweeting, retweeting, liking, and more. Bots are a fun way to improve your coding skills through creativity.
Tags web-development programming cloud
HTTP/2 PUSH vs HTTP Preload
Posted on November 30, 2017, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Inian Parameshwaran article about difference between HTTP/2 Push and HTTP Preload. HTTP/2 PUSH is a feature that lets a server preemptively push resources to the client (without a corresponding request). HTTP Preload is a way to indicate to the browser resources it would require while loading the current page.
Tags web-development programming devops