Tag: Web development
8 best practices for perfect CSS documentation
Posted on July 29, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Adriana De La Cuadra article about best pracices for CSS documentation. In the world of CSS, documentation is underused. Since documentation is not visible to the end user, its value is often overlooked by clients.
Tags css frontend web-development miscellaneous
Setting up a reverse-proxy with NGINX and docker-compose
Posted on July 28, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Dominik Weber tutorial how to set up reverse-proxy with NGINX, which can then handle server-related aspects, like SSL and caching, completely transparent to the application behind it. It is good practice in general to not make internal services public-facing that don't have to be.
Tags nginx how-to performance web-development performance
React Native -- how to setup your first app
Posted on July 22, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length short
Aman Mittal's article about first steps with React Native. React Native is a framework for building mobile applications with JavaScript and leveraging Reactjs. It uses native UI components. In React Native, there is no DOM rather than Native Components which are provided by platforms such iOS and Android.
Tags web-development app-development react
The five stages of JSON decoding in Elm
Posted on June 27, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
Older article by Matthew Buscemi in which he focuses on his 6 month experience with Elm language and translation of object-oriented patterns for scalable, maintainable architecture to Elm's paradigm. For communicating between Atom editor and his Elm application, he needed ports, and in order to work with Elm Test output, he needed JSON decoders.
Tags programming javascript web-development
When, how and why use Node.js as your backend
Posted on May 19, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Justyna Rachowicz published this article about leveraging the Node.js technology in building applications. The benefits of Node.js are countless, but you should also be aware of its constraints. Get a full picture of Node.js and avoid making serious mistakes in development that could cost you money.
Tags programming javascript web-development nodejs
Twitter Lite and high performance react progressive web apps at scale
Posted on May 4, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Paul Armstrong interesting article about a look into removing common and uncommon performance bottlenecks in one of the worlds largest React.js progressive web apps, Twitter Lite. Creating a fast web application involves many cycles of measuring where time is wasted, understanding why it's happening, and applying potential solutions.
Tags web-development app-development devops react
Agile architecture -- strategies for scaling agile development
Posted on April 28, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
An article by Agilemodeling in which they focus on important aspect of architecture in agile scaling. Contrary to popular belief, architecture is an important aspect of agile software development efforts. An architecture is a critical part of scaling agile approaches to meet the real-world needs of modern organizations.
Tags web-development agile teams programming
Creating multiple authentication in Laravel 5.5 using middleware
Posted on April 27, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
An article by Cloudways in which they deal with different roles and permissions in typical web application. To verify the users, applications need to have an authentication module or functionality. Using Middleware, you can easily implement multiple authentication in Laravel.
Tags web-development programming php
Getting started with static site generator Vuepress
Posted on April 24, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
An article by Egwuenu Gift about static site generator tooling in Vue. Vue creator Evan You came up with this awesome tool for writing documentation for Vue. A VuePress site is, in fact, an Single Page Application powered by Vue, Vue Router, and webpack.
Tags web-development programming containers
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and design -- balancing risk to gain reward
Posted on April 13, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
An article from Interaction Design Foundation on the merit of MVP. The idea of the minimum viable product (MVP) has been around for some time. But why is the concept of value vital to the MVP strategy?
Tags ux web-development management
Avoiding the wrong MVP approach
Posted on April 7, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
An interesting article by Jared M. Spool about Minimal Viable Product (MVP) and how it is not about coding every time.
Tags ux web-development management miscellaneous
Web scraping with Golang
Posted on March 29, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Nano Dano wrote this lengthy article about web scraping with golang. It can be useful in a variety of situations, like when a website does not provide an API, or you need to parse and extract web content programmatically. Tutorial walks through using the standard library to perform a variety of tasks like making requests, changing headers, setting cookies, using regular expressions, and parsing URLs.
Tags programming golang web-development