Tag: Web development
Angular: Keeping it Fat, Dumb, and Happy
Posted on March 12, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Todd Palmer published this article about an architectural approach to better Angular applications. The article shows you how to keep your Templates declarative and dumb, your Components thin and smart, and your Services fat and happy.
Tags web-development angular nodejs javascript
Understand RxJS Subjects
Posted on March 11, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
If you are an Angular developer there is no way you missed RxJS Observables but you might be less familiar with Subjects. Even though they are less frequent than simple Observables, they are extremely useful. Understanding them will help you write better, cleaner reactive code. By Dornhoth.
Tags web-development react javascript
Introduction to utility-first CSS for web developer
Posted on March 9, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
CSS is an easy language to learn (and to implement) for creating a beautiful website. However, when it comes to implementing CSS at scale, it's not that simple. For large scale websites and applications, CSS becomes really hard to write in. By Thoriq Firdaus in Coding.
Tags ux css frontend web-development
Variable fonts: Is the performance trade-off worth it?
Posted on March 8, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Anna Monus wrote this piece about variable fonts. Variable fonts are popular for two reasons: they expand design possibilities and improve website performance. While the former statement is definitely true since variable fonts do provide infinite typographical choices, the latter only holds under certain conditions.
Tags ux software web-development teams
3 strategies for migrating from Wordpress to JAMstack
Posted on February 25, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Brian Rinaldi published this article in which he describes the strategies for migration to JAMstack from an existing CMS architecture.
Tags javascript web-development open-source cloud
Building an adaptive, multi-tenant stream bus with Kafka and Golang
Posted on February 20, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Back in the 2000s, SOAP/WSDL with ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) was the dominant server-side architecture for many companies. Since the 2010s, microservices and service mesh technologies have grown wildly and thus became the de-facto industry standards. By Xinyu Liu.
Tags software-architecture apache streaming apis devops web-development programming
7 ways to remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript
Posted on February 19, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Jayanth Babu wrote this article about how to remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript. It's a common use case in many projects to need to remove duplicates from array in JavaScript. For interviews, it's a common coding challenge to practice for everyone.
Tags nodejs javascript web-development programming
Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust
Posted on February 5, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Jesse Howarth wrote this piece about how they seen success with Rust on the client side and server side. For example, they use it on the client side for our video encoding pipeline for Go Live and on the server side for Elixir NIFs. Most recently, they drastically improved the performance of a service by switching its implementation from Go to Rust.
Tags programming golang web-development how-to
Creating true fluid web typography to improve our processes
Posted on February 4, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Responsive web design has been a must-have skill for front-end developers for many years now, but creating a truly fluid interface and giving users a seamless experience across any device still poses a lot of challenges for designers and developers alike. By Razvan Onofrei.
Tags ux web-development how-to
Scaling payments for Black Friday 2019
Posted on February 3, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
A blog post about Black Friday's production scalability experience in payments provider company named iyzico. By Yalçın Yenigün.
Tags software-architecture apis web-development agile
TypeScript's secret parallel universe
Posted on January 27, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Florian Reuschel put together this tutorial for new TypeScript users. He focuses on one of the most underreported topics in the TypeScript tutorial world: the type scope.
Tags javascript web-development nodejs
The building blocks of visual design
Posted on January 26, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Visual design is about creating and making the general aesthetics of a product consistent. To create the aesthetic style of a website or app, we work with fundamental elements of visual design, arranging them according to principles of design. By Yu Siang Teo.
Tags ux web-development miscellaneous