Tag: Web development
The 4 most common API developer portal mistakes
Posted on April 15, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
How (not) to put your APIs in a freezer while implementing a Frankensite or an API Ghosttown. In this article we will investigate developer portal anti-patterns -- common solutions to developer portal problems where the solution is ineffective and may result in undesired consequences. By Diliny Corlosquet.
Tags apis software-architecture programming web-development
The benefits and trade-offs of going serverless
Posted on April 9, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Ovie Okeh is the author of this article on logrocket.com about a journey from monolithic apps running on a server to flexible units running on ephemeral instances. So why is the serverless popular? What does the term serverless mean?
Tags web-development serverless cio cicd apis
Visual Studio tips and tricks
Posted on April 8, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft which is used to code,debug and run the respective applications. Visual Studio supports around 36 programming languages (at time of writing) and the advantage of using Visual Studio is that the code editor and debugger will support all these programming languages and also it supports cross-platform. By Suhas Parameshwara.
Tags web-development programming app-development
Repository in PHP -- Design pattern with examples
Posted on April 6, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
The Repository pattern is used to create a middle layer between a data layer (which can be a database, a file, a CSV, etc) and your controllers. It is mainly used on large scale application, where there will be dozens of reference to a single data layer. It gives the ability to change the data layer without affecting any code in your controller. By Anastasio Nico.
Tags php web-development programming open-source
React Hooks, TypeScript and Redux for React Native
Posted on April 5, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length short
Fernando Amezcua put together this tutorial how to implement React Hooks creating the example project. React Hooks, TypeScript and Redux for React Native, and author is going to add testing for React Native.
Tags react web-development programming
Best practices for microservices on kubernetes
Posted on April 4, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
There are several best practices for building microservices architecture properly. In this article author mentions the best practices with some new rules dedicated especially for microservices deployed on Kubernetes platform. By Piotr Minkowski.
Tags microservices devops web-development open-source kubernetes kotlin
Build a Node.js tool to record and compare Google Lighthouse reports
Posted on April 3, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
In this tutorial, Luke Harrison shows you step by step how to create a simple tool in Node.js to run Google Lighthouse audits via the command line, save the reports they generate in JSON format and then compare them so web performance can be monitored as the website grows and develops.
Tags web-development open-source nodejs
Graphql vs REST: Which one is better? (2020)
Posted on March 30, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
When you need to build an API, your mind will likely jump to REST, the de facto standard for API creation. However, this is changing with the increase of GraphQL popularity. This post was originally posted in May 2019 and updated in March 2020. Published by João Inez on imaginarycloud.com.
Tags apis nodejs web-development software-architecture
Data structures and algorithms in Java: A beginner's guide
Posted on March 26, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Learn all about array and list data structures in Java, and the algorithms you can use to search and sort the data they contain. By Jeff Friesen.
Tags java programming web-development jvm
Zero downtime Laravel deployments with Laravel Deployer and Github Actions
Posted on March 23, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Michael Brooks is author of this blog post about Github actions and how they can automate your entire workflow. From building your assets to running your testing and deployment strategies.
Tags php devops web-development cicd
Quick front-end integrations through components
Posted on March 19, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Integrations between people and projects are a challenge for every organization. For teams that work remotely, it's twice as challenging. Integrations should be made as simple and "low-touch" as possible. By Jonathan Saring.
Tags frontend web-development programming
User authentication with Amplify in React Native and Expo app
Posted on March 16, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
AWS Amplify is a fantastic framework that helps you develop your web or mobile applications quickly. By Aman Mittal.
Tags react javascript web-development app-development infosec