Tag: Programming
Reducing errors with type hinting in PHP
Posted on December 25, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The search box. Where would we be without it? Search is a powerful tool, and as one of the most common elements that we interact with on a daily basis, search input usability is an important consideration. By Dawson Beggs.
Tags php app-development web-development programming
Implementing TLS in Java
Posted on November 29, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length short
TLS, or transport layer security, is a protocol used across the globe to encrypt and secure communication over the internet. In this article, we'll discuss what TLS is, what benefits it provides, and why you need it. Then we'll walk through implementing TLS in Java. By Himanish Munjal.
Tags app-development java ssl infosec programming
How to implement debounce and throttle in JavaScript
Posted on November 28, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length short
At some point you have probably come across a website that uses an autocomplete text box, drag and drop, or scroll based animations. If you have then chances are also pretty high that you have encountered debouncing and/or throttling without even realizing it. By @webdevsimplified.com.
Tags app-development web-development javascript programming
OOP meaning – What is Object-Oriented Programming?
Posted on November 19, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In today's technology driven society, computer programming knowledge is in high demand. And as a developer, you'll need to know various programming languages. One concept that is common among many programming languages is Object Oriented Programming. By Hillary Nyakundi.
Tags oop web-development app-development programming performance code-refactoring
What to consider when modernizing APIs with GraphQL on AWS
Posted on November 2, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length intermediate
In the next few years, companies will build over 500 million new applications, more than has been developed in the previous 40 years combined (see IDC article). API operations enable innovation. By Lewis Tang.
Tags programming app-development cloud apis aws
How to improve your cloud cost forecasting
Posted on November 1, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Since technology usage is often an organization's highest expenditure after personnel costs, effectively forecasting cloud spend is vital to planning, negotiating, and achieving sustainable economies of scale as you grow and mature your business on the cloud. So, what can you can do to more accurately predict future cloud costs? In particular, how can you forecast your AWS spend for the next month, quarter, or year? By John Klacynski.
Tags programming app-development cloud software-architecture learning cio
Why traditional logging and observability waste developer time
Posted on October 31, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length long
The ability to jump directly to a specific line of code that caused an error, without restarting, redeploying or adding more code, is where the magic happens in shift-left observability. By Shahar Fogel.
Tags programming app-development messaging devops
Concurrency in Go-2(Go Channels)
Posted on October 25, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The channel acts as a pipe by which we send typed values from one Goroutine to another. It guarantees synchronization since only one Goroutine has access to a data item at any given time. The ownership of the data is passed between different Goroutine. By Neeraj Kumar.
Tags app-development programming golang performance
Optimizing Apache JVMs for Apache Kafka
Posted on October 18, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) impact Apache Kafka® performance in production. How can you optimize your event-streaming architectures so they process more Kafka messages using the same number of JVMs? Podcast by confluent.io.
Tags performance programming jvm java
How to unit-test extension methods in C#
Posted on October 15, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length short
A good coding practice is to keep the view layer in an MVC structure as simple as possible and with no or minimal logic. A common practice to extract common logic that you might want to use in many places is to create an extension method that could be used across views. This moves to logic from the views into a C#-based method. By Linus Ekström.
Tags programming tdd app-development
Kotlin JDSL: Let's use Kotlin to easily write reactive Criteria API
Posted on September 27, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In this post, we'll be looking at Kotlin JDSL Reactive modules. While many of you might have a preconceived notion that JPA cannot be reactive, Hibernate released a reactive JPA library called Hibernate Reactive. By Hyunsik Kang.
Tags programming kotlin functional-programming jvm apis
How to program an IoT device in Elixir using Nerves?
Posted on September 26, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Elixir is a great choice language for IoT devices due to its fault-tolerant nature, but also because of the ability to handle a lot of concurrent I/O operations thanks to the BEAM scheduler running under the hood. By Artur Ziętkiewicz.
Tags programming iot erlang functional-programming elixir