Tag: Programming
8 most popular Python HTML web scraping packages with benchmarks
Posted on February 4, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length long
This blog post will cover Python web scraping packages in terms of their speed, ease of use, and personal investigations. This blog post won't cover what webscraping is and how parsers work. By Dmitriy Zub.
Tags python programming web-development app-development performance
Why I selected Elixir and Phoenix as my main stack
Posted on February 3, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
This is just a personal journey documentation on how I decided to use my current tech stack. By Camilo.
Tags erlang programming career elixir
Reducing Go execution tracer overhead with frame pointer unwinding
Posted on February 1, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The Go Execution Tracer (aka runtime/trace) was designed to achieve low enough overhead to be usable on "a server in production serving live traffic". This is achieved by writing events into per-P buffers, using RDTSC for timestamps, and encoding into a relatively efficient binary format. By Felix Geisendörfer.
Tags golang programming microservices cloud performance
Micro frontends for Java microservices
Posted on January 31, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Microservices have been quite popular in the Java ecosystem ever since Spring Boot and Spring Cloud made them easy to build and deploy. Things have gotten even easier in recent years with the proliferation of new Java frameworks built specifically for microservices: MicroProfile, Micronaut, Quarkus, and Helidon. By Matt Raible.
Tags java programming microservices cloud serverless
Scala: Implicit parameters when to use them?
Posted on January 30, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Implicits are one of the most feared features of the Scala programming language and for good reasons! By Julien Truffaut.
Tags scala programming akka serverless
How to choose the right API style and technology
Posted on January 26, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In this post, we'll go through the 5 most popular API styles and look at very common questions like "How to decide on the right API style and which technology to choose for a style" and provide practical scenarios where an API Gateway can supplement their weaknesses. By Bobur Umurzokov.
Tags event-driven programming apis web-development app-development
A hands-on approach to symmetric-key encryption
Posted on January 22, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In this article, we will learn how symmetric-key encryption works from a practical perspective. We will use OpenSSL to put into practice some concepts about symmetric-key encryption. By Sergio Prado.
Tags miscellaneous infosec programming devops
Kotlin coroutines - A comprehensive introduction
Posted on January 18, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length long
This article introduces Kotlin coroutines, a powerful tool for asynchronous programming. Kotlin's coroutines fall under the umbrella of structured concurrency. They implement a model of concurrency which you can consider similar to Java virtual threads, Cats Effect and ZIO fibers. By Daniel Ciocîrlan.
Tags kotlin java app-development programming jvm distributed
Data structures 101: How to use stacks and queues in Java
Posted on January 17, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Mastering data structures is a non-negotiable skill for success as a developer. Efficient data structures help execute effective programs. Today, many programming roles require great knowledge of data structures. They are also a fundamental part of coding interviews. By The Educative Team.
Tags java app-development programming queues data-science
Proper SOA isolation: The 3 frontiers
Posted on January 9, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Building service is easy. Isolating that service, it's easier said than done. Anyone can build any service with any technology or stack. However, would this service last, or will it become technical debt? Many organizations trying to go all in with microservices end up with distributed monoliths instead of isolated services. By Diego Pacheco.
Tags serverless programming devops cloud aws
Organize your AWS Serverless code to prevent merge conflicts
Posted on January 8, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
How do you prevent the most common merge conflicts when your team is working on a Serverless application? How do you make sure that your team stays productive and avoids large merge issues while trying to update the same crucial files simultaneously? By Mark Curtis, Juan Peredo, and Tom Romano.
Tags serverless programming devops cloud aws
Six docker compose best practices for dev and prod
Posted on December 26, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Docker solves the "but it runs on my machine" problem by introducing containerization. However, with a multifaceted code base, you must simultaneously run several containers like the back and front end. Further, this will require you to leverage tools such as Docker Compose. By Regis Wilson.
Tags devops app-development web-development containers programming docker