Tag: Programming
Ten computer codes that transformed science
Posted on January 24, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length long
From Fortran to arXiv.org, these advances in programming and platforms sent biology, climate science and physics into warp speed. By Jeffrey M. Perkel.
Tags programming data-science learning cio management
What is a Computed Property in Swift?
Posted on January 16, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Computed properties are part of a family of property types in Swift. Stored properties are the most common which save and return a stored value whereas computed ones are a bit different. By Antoine van der Lee.
Tags swiftlang programming app-development web-development oop code-refactoring
How to detect complex duplicated methods with PHPStan
Posted on January 15, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Duplicated code is a code smell that hides the potential of better design. How can we find it? Is it 100 % identical code token by token? Are methods getName() and getName() on 2 entities duplicated? By Tomas Votruba.
Tags php web-development tdd programming
Architect's guide to APIs: SOAP, REST, GraphQL, and gRPC
Posted on January 9, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length long
There are many strategies for data exchange. Here's a primer on four essentials. By Bob Reselman.
Tags software-architecture programming restful learning
Best practices of comprehensions in Elixir
Posted on January 8, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Surprising examples of using for-comprehension in Elixir. For comprehension provides a very elegant syntax to loop over collections and an effective way to transform the given enumerable. By Kamil Lelonek.
Tags programming erlang elixir apis
How to build with Terraform: Azure VMs (Windows)
Posted on December 27, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Have you created an Azure VM via the Azure portal before? If so, how many clicks did it take to do that? Can you do it, again and again, providing the exact same input values to ensure you meet a specific standard? Probably not. You need to automate the process. Create Azure VMs with Terraform! By Adam Bertram.
Tags devops app-development web-development programming azure containers
TypeScript compilation performance best practices
Posted on December 26, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
There are easy ways to configure TypeScript to ensure faster compilations and editing experiences. The earlier that these practices can be adopted, the better. By Daniel Rosenwasser.
Tags nodejs javascript app-development web-development programming
How to optimize large scale serverless applications for operational excellence
Posted on December 25, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Managing applications at scale often comes up as one of the biggest concerns for businesses; How can it work smoothly? How do we monitor so many resources? By Taavi Rehemägi.
Tags serverless programming devops cicd performance
NULL values in SQL queries
Posted on December 24, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
This post is about NULL values in SQL, and comes courtesy of my friend and database wizard, Kaley. You should check out his website if you'd like to learn more about SQL, Oracle database, and making queries run faster. By Mitchum.
Tags data-science mysql database programming
RPC over RabbitMQ (with Elixir)
Posted on November 24, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
At Community we use RabbitMQ, a lot. It's the infrastructure backbone that allows our services (over forty at this point) to communicate with each other. That mostly happens through events (since we have an event-sourced system), but in some cases what we need is a request-response interaction between two services. By Andrea Leopardi.
Tags erlang programming web-development app-development performance
Server-Side development with Kotlin: Frameworks and libraries
Posted on November 23, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
It is quite common to use existing frameworks and libraries for backend application development. If we look at most of the popular frameworks in the Java ecosystem, many of them actually support Kotlin out of the box. There are a lot of Java libraries too. You can use these frameworks and libraries in your Kotlin programs thanks to Kotlin's flawless Java interoperability. By Anton Arhipov.
Tags kotlin programming jvm performance
What is Ask Pattern in Akka?
Posted on November 13, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length short
In Akka, ask is a pattern and involves Actors as well as Futures. Ask is used to sends a message asynchronously and it returns a Future which represents a possible reply. If the actor does not reply and complete the future, it will expire after the timeout period. After the timeout period, it throws a TimeoutException. By Purva Agrawal.
Tags akka streaming scala programming