Tag: Programming
Monitoring and observability in cloud-native ASP.NET Core apps
Posted on May 11, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Distributed applications are complex and bring in their own set of challenges for developers to debug and fix production issues. Though the microservices architecture helps maintain a smaller team that works autonomously and focuses on separate business domains, it introduces newer challenges due to its distributed nature. By Nish.
Tags programming app-development devops azure monitoring
WebAssembly to run blockchain using Go
Posted on April 26, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Blockchain is a technology with countless applications and a great potential that is not yet fully utilized. It is an ordered list of blocks that are chained together, hence dubbed the name blockchain. By Mahmoud Fathy.
Tags golang app-development blockchain programming
Postgres is out of disk and how to recover: The dos and dont's
Posted on April 22, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Welp ... sometimes "stuff" happens ... and you find yourself having a really bad day. We'd like to believe that every database is well configured from the start with optimal log rotation, correct alerting of high CPU consumption and cache hit ratio monitoring. By Elizabeth Christensen.
Tags mysql database teams programming agile
Tackling Java cold startup times on AWS Lambda with GraalVM
Posted on April 10, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Have you ever tried running a Java application on AWS Lambda? Well, even the simplest Java application takes significant time to start up at first. The reason behind is simple. AWS has to prepare a runtime environment for your application when it executes the first time. This is called cold-start. By Arnold Galovics.
Tags java performance programming learning containers software-architecture
2020 Tech lead survey looks at developers & hints into 2021
Posted on April 6, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Couchbase has surveyed IT decision makers annually to find out the challenges they face in executing their digital transformation strategies. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 2020 was different from previous years. However, it may come as a surprise to find out how attuned CIOs are to the plight of developers. By Christina Knittel.
Tags devops cio miscellaneous learning programming
5 common mistakes in Go
Posted on April 3, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Some common mistakes that can be seen in Go are infinite recursive call, assignment to nil map, undesired value being used in goroutine, and more. By Jai Pradeesh.
Tags learning programming app-development golang
Why you should be using low-code apps to build internal tools
Posted on March 31, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Find out why you should be using low-code apps to build internal tools. By leveraging the speed and cost benefits of the new range of low and no-code tools available, you can use your expertise to deliver applications faster than ever before. By James Konik.
Tags miscellaneous app-development programming software cio
Why reading code is just as important as writing code: How to get better at it
Posted on March 16, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length long
It strikes me as odd. We've heard the same messages: Write clean code. Write readable code. Write meaningful code. By Amy M Haddad.
Tags programming learning teams miscellaneous how-to
Initialization strategies with Testcontainers for integration tests
Posted on February 24, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Testcontainers offers several initialization strategies for our Docker containers when writing integration tests. Depending on the Docker image we use for our tests, we might have to perform additional setup steps. By Philip.
Tags programming tdd java performance devops
Spring Batch on Kubernetes: Efficient batch processing at scale
Posted on February 6, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Batch processing has been a challenging area of computer science since its inception in the early days of punch cards and magnetic tapes. By Mahmoud Ben Hassine.
Tags kubernetes programming containers java
From first principles: Why Scala?
Posted on February 5, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Scala, first appearing in 2004, is neither an old stalwart nor a new player in the programming language market. This post will discuss the unique combination of features that Scala provides and how it compares to other languages on the market, diving beneath the superficial experience to explore the fundamentals of the language. By Haoyi.
Tags scala app-development code-refactoring programming functional-programming
The RustyHermit unikernel
Posted on January 28, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
RustyHermit is a unikernel, which is completely written Rust. Unikernels are application images that directly contain the kernel as a library, so they do not require an installed operating system (OS). They are typical used in virtualized environments, which build the backbone of typical cloud / edge infrastructures. By @stlankes.
Tags programming linux devops performance