Tag: Javascript
How we failed with Angular & Elm is the solution
Posted on May 30, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Asaf Cohen article about their journey from Angular to Elm. Their address the main problem AngularJS created, and that is the illusion they could use it to design the UX as we please (uh … like develop) and that was not the case.
Tags programming nodejs javascript
Algorithms and Data Structures in JavaScript
Posted on May 29, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Oleksii Trekhleb straight to the point article about data structures in JavaScript. It describes a collection of classic algorithms and data-structures implemented in ES6 JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings and YouTube videos.
Tags nodejs javascript programming
Angular security -- Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT), complete guide
Posted on May 26, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Angular university brought you this a step-by-step guide for both designing and implementing JWT-based Authentication in an Angular application. The goal here is to discuss JWT-based Authentication Design and Implementation in general.
Tags nodejs javascript angular infosec apis
When, how and why use Node.js as your backend
Posted on May 19, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Justyna Rachowicz published this article about leveraging the Node.js technology in building applications. The benefits of Node.js are countless, but you should also be aware of its constraints. Get a full picture of Node.js and avoid making serious mistakes in development that could cost you money.
Tags programming javascript web-development nodejs
Performance improvements for search on the yelp Android app p1
Posted on May 8, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
In this article Tyler Argo wrote how Yelp has been working hard to improve the performance of their search results on mobile devices (iOS and Android). We noticed that most users "grunted or made noises when waiting for search to load".
Tags app-development javascript android
Ionic canvas drawing and saving images as files
Posted on May 6, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Simon Reimler published this article about working with canvas in Ionic. Working with the canvas can be challenging, but there are amazing things you can build with canvas. In the tutorial we will implement a canvas inside an Ionic app on which we can draw in different colours.
Tags app-development javascript angular
Building a PWA chat app with Vue.js and Firebase (p1)
Posted on April 6, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Kohwo Orien article about how to utilize Vue.js for building of Progressive Web Apps. Vue.js is a progressive framework for building web user interfaces. It became one of the recommended frameworks for building fast, reliable progressive web applications with offline capabilities and performance.
Tags javascript nodejs app-development
Express.js and AWS Lambda serverless love story
Posted on March 30, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Slobodan Stojanović article about creating serverless applications in Express.js. Express apps are easy to build, it is de facto the most popular Node.js framework.
Tags javascript nodejs app-development
JavaScript iteration protocols (Iterable and Iterator) and Generators
Posted on March 20, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Anton Petrov interesting article about iteration protocols. Iterables and Iterators are not built-ins or syntactic sugar introduced by some recent ECMAScript standard, but protocols that were defined in the ECMAScript's 6th edition.
Tags programming javascript
Why performance matters
Posted on March 16, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Jeremy Wagner wrote this piece about a common problem: Performance. Sites and apps are richer in functionality than ever before. As a consequence, they've become more demanding of network and device resources. So much so, that we now struggle with achieving a high level of performance across a variety of network conditions and devices.
Tags programming web-development javascript
17 JavaScript / Node.js performance coding tips to make applications faster
Posted on March 15, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
Paul Shan article about misconceptions, shallow knowledge, bad assumptions among the JavaScript community members. In this article author has come up with a list of tips, which can make your JavaScript application faster.
Tags programming javascript web-development
Elegant patterns in modern JavaScript RORO
Posted on March 2, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Bill Sourour from DevMastery.com wrote this article to introduce the pattern he has been using. He claims he did not invent it and came across it in other people's code and eventually adopted it himself. The pattern is Receive an object, return an object (RORO).
Tags javascript programming nodejs