Tag: Javascript
Create an Alexa skill with serverless and a conversation
Posted on November 1, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
An article by Niklas Heidloff and Mark Sturdevant from IBM on hot Alexa skills topic. In it you will find how to create an Alexa skill with serverless and a conversation. Apart from Alexa you will also use Watson to discuss the weather, build a conversation, or choose one from a library. Watson is a question-answering computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language, developed in IBM's DeepQA project.
Tags javascript serverless ibm bots miscellaneous nosql
How to mock ES6 class
Posted on October 29, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Madhan Ganesh post about mocking a class in JavaScript for the purpose of unit testing. The post targets developers who are coming to ES6 from environments that has features like dependency injection and interfaces.
Tags javascript tdd nodejs programming
Comparison between Angular and React and their core languages
Posted on October 18, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
Dler Ari brings you an article, in which he will compare two of the most popular web technologies in 2018, and also address their history, key differences, core languages used (TypeScript and JavaScript) and so forth.
Tags angular javascript frameworks web-development
Writing lighter, faster JavaScript functions
Posted on October 11, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length short
Nick Gard sweet article about making your JavaScript functions faster. He relies on 3 simple rules to guide him.
Tags programming javascript nodejs frontend
Building a scalable promise based Node.js library
Posted on September 27, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Ross Bulat wrote a tutorial about building a scalable Node.js library based on Promises. In it he explains how to tackle large async / await Promise based libraries.
Tags javascript nodejs software web-development
Django REST with React tutorial
Posted on September 17, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Valentino Gagliardi published on his blog tutorial how to do REST with Django framework 2 and React. If you need quick API prototype quickly and is build for development speed.
Tags python apis javascript web-development frameworks
How to do Object Oriented Programming the right way
Posted on July 30, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Article by software engineer Xiaoyun Yang about Object Oriented programming done right. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a software design pattern that allows you to think about problems in terms of objects and their interactions. OOP is typically done with classes or with prototypes.
Tags oop programming javascript
Reduce JavaScript payloads with tree shaking
Posted on July 25, 2018, Level advanced Resource Length long
Jeremy Wagner neat article about reducing the JavaScript in modern web applications. JavaScript is often compressed when sent over the network, meaning that the actual amount of JavaScript is quite a bit more after the browser decompresses it.
Tags performance javascript frontend
How to escape async/await hell
Posted on July 17, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length short
Javascript developer Aditya Agarwal published this interesting article about perils of asynchronous Javascript. While working with Asynchronous JavaScript, people often write multiple statements one after the other and slap an await before a function call. This causes performance issues, as many times one statement doesn't depend on the previous one -- but you still have to wait for the previous one to complete.
Tags javascript programming nodejs
The five stages of JSON decoding in Elm
Posted on June 27, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
Older article by Matthew Buscemi in which he focuses on his 6 month experience with Elm language and translation of object-oriented patterns for scalable, maintainable architecture to Elm's paradigm. For communicating between Atom editor and his Elm application, he needed ports, and in order to work with Elm Test output, he needed JSON decoders.
Tags programming javascript web-development
Let's code a web server from scratch with NodeJS Streams!
Posted on June 16, 2018, Level advanced Resource Length long
Ziad Saab tutorial exploring new technologies abound. In it you will go back to the basics and build a simple web server from scratch with NodeJS. You will review the structure of HTTP requests and responses and get an introduction to Node's Stream API.
Tags javascript programming nodejs servers
How to use Decorators with Factory Functions
Posted on June 13, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Cristi Salcescu detailed post on Decorators. Method decorators are a tool for reusing common logic. They are complementary to Object Oriented Programming. Decorators encapsulate responsibility shared by different objects.
Tags javascript programming nodejs