Tag: Teams
Accessibility for UX designers?
Posted on September 19, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
This is a starter guide for UX Designers about delivering accessible websites. As a UX Designer you'e an advocate for the user. You're responsible for making sure the product is useful and usable for all users, including those with disablities. By Peter van Grieken.
Tags ux web-development management miscellaneous agile teams
Scrum of scrums: how to succeed in 4 simple steps
Posted on August 31, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Scrum of Scrums is a technique used to scale Agile by dividing the groups into Agile teams of 5-10. Each daily scrum within a sub-team ends by designating one member as representative to participate in a daily meeting with ambassadors from other teams, called the Scrum of Scrums. This article provides some tips on how to succeed with Scrum of Scrums. By Sergio Fiorillo.
Tags how-to agile cio teams management software
Human inside: How capabilities can unleash business performance
Posted on July 16, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Companies need human capabilities more than ever. What can organizations do about it? As business pressures only increase, organizations need to help develop workers' human capabilities—curiosity, imagination, creativity, empathy, and courage—and encourage their application across all levels and departments. By John Hagel, Cochairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge.
Tags management cio agile learning teams
Building the Enterprise Knowledge Graph
Posted on July 12, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Over the years, enterprises have leveraged many generations of knowledge management products in order to retain and reuse knowledge across the enterprise, prevent re-inventing the wheel and improve productivity. By Henry Ball, Solutions Engineer, Neo4j.
Tags cio miscellaneous management teams
Difference between Personal Kanban and the Personal Agility System?
Posted on July 8, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
It may surprise you, but I was doing Personal Kanban before I created PAS. I then tried using Scrum on my life; that was closer to what I needed, but Scrum didn't really solve my challenges either. So my "personal Scrum" evolved and became "my personal Agility" and eventually, The Personal Agility System™. By Peter Stevens.
Tags agile cio teams career management
A startups lean business model canvas
Posted on July 6, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
A lean business model canvas determines your business model in a visually descriptive way. In the same way as the original Business Model Canvas, this "lean" version, ideal for startups, will help you construct your business plan more efficiently and help draft a business model for your idea or business. By wcic.tech.
Tags cio miscellaneous learning management teams software
How to create a personal leadership development plan
Posted on July 4, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
In every organization and in every industry, leaders play a critical role: managing teams, working together to make important (and sometimes difficult) decisions, and guiding an organization to move in the right direction. By Brian Eastwood.
Tags cio miscellaneous learning management teams
How to get big results with a small SRE team
Posted on June 27, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
One responsibility of every site reliability engineering team is to help other engineers deliver changes quickly and safely to customers. By Pierre Vincent Head of Site Reliability Engineering, Glofox.
Tags devops cloud kubernetes distributed teams agile
How I've learned to deal with touchy managers as a software engineer
Posted on June 23, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
From dealing with touchy manager relationships to needing advice on what to do when you hate writing tests... Yyou asked your questions and Neil from neilonsoftware.com has some answers. By Neil Green.
Tags agile learning cio teams miscellaneous
What is Kata and how is it different from Lean?
Posted on May 13, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
This article tries to find answer to questions: What is Kata? How do Kata Coaching and the Improvement Kata work? How are they different from other lean concepts? By Rever Team.
Tags agile management cio programming career teams
What's included in virtual cfo services? why is it a growing trend?
Posted on April 17, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Now more than ever, startups and corporates are looking for ways to run lean. There is pressure to make cuts to staff and outsource when possible, and this has led to a trend of hiring virtual CFO services over the more traditional in-house full-time chief financial officer (CFO). Written by Dave Robinson.
Tags management agile teams cio career
How 5G and edge computing can enhance virtual reality
Posted on April 14, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
For some time now, 5G has been associated with the promise of new digital applications and services that come with a hyper-connected life. We have seen that this new technology, which provides "perfect" connectivity, creates new value for both us as individuals and to industries and enterprises. By Balaji Ethirajulu.
Tags management cio miscellaneous agile teams