Tag: Teams
How to foster a security culture
Posted on June 15, 2023, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Government IT teams can help make information security a shared responsibility through education and preparedness exercises and by leveraging technology. By Joel Snyder.
Tags infosec cio teams management
The first 30 days as a CTO or VP of Engineering for SaaS: What you need to know
Posted on March 5, 2023, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Starting a new leadership position can be both exciting and daunting, especially if you're taking over a product or team that you know little about. The first 30 days are critical for setting the tone and direction of your leadership and establishing credibility with your team and other stakeholders. In this post, we'll provide a roadmap for surviving and thriving in the first 30 days as a new CTO or VP of Engineering. By Zack Schwartz.
Tags cio cloud miscellaneous how-to teams career
Empowering students to develop an Agile mindset
Posted on January 19, 2023, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Fostering collaboration in the classroom is vital in preparing our students for life. Working in groups can be challenging, which is why implementing an agility framework can become a powerful tool. Developing an agile mindset will empower students to take ownership of their learning while developing social-emotional and critical thinking skills. By Greta Sandler.
Tags agile learning app-development teams how-to
Engineering in a hybrid world
Posted on November 4, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length long
In 2020, the world shifted to remote work with most companies transitioning to hybrid or remote arrangements. At the time of this report (October 2022), over 50% of respondents had no definitive plan to return to the office. Like it or not, remote work is here to stay. By Vivian Guo.
Tags cio agile teams career
Cybersecurity teams are reaching their breaking point. We should all be worried
Posted on October 28, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length long
Stress and burnout are having a massive impact on cybersecurity teams, leaving people and businesses more vulnerable than ever. Cybersecurity professionals are "reaching their breaking point" as ransomware attacks increase and create new risks for people and businesses. By Owen Hughes.
Tags infosec linux teams cio web-development app-development
How desktop and GPU virtualisation power up automotive innovation
Posted on October 27, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
With the race towards autonomy becoming fiercer, the costs to use these new enabling technologies are rising exponentially. Moreover, the need for talent and experts across the world is forcing companies to shift to remote work. You've probably heard of virtual desktop infrastructures (VDI) and vGPUs (virtual GPUs), but why would you need one and how could they help your company? By Bertrand Boisseau.
Tags robotics linux miscellaneous software how-to teams
Bridging security gaps in WFH and hybrid setups
Posted on October 16, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length short
Hybrid and work-from-home (WFH) arrangements take employees from the safety of the more secure and monitored environment of the office. These arrangements blur the division between enterprise and home networks while subsequently expanding the attack surface for both environments. How can these security gaps be bridged? By trendmicro.com.
Tags infosec cio app-development teams
Visualize Microservice dependencies in a team context
Posted on August 16, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The moment we introduce strong coupling between our services, we lose the potential advantages of a microservice architecture. This article addresses the challenge by introducing the concept of a Change Coupling analysis. Change Coupling is a behavioral code analysis technique that uncovers logical dependencies across services and team boundaries. Let's see it in action. By Adam Tornhill.
Tags devops microservices teams app-development
Cloud platform teams are everywhere — here's why
Posted on August 12, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
In HashiCorp's new State of Cloud Strategy survey, 86% of respondents said they rely on cloud platform teams — for a wide variety of very good reasons. Organizations with complex business requirements have long sought ways to simplify operations and boost the productivity of their software development teams. It appears business and IT leaders have found an answer: adopt and empower centralized cloud platform teams. By Jared Ruckle.
Tags cloud management infosec teams devops
How to build an organizational culture that is 'cybersecurity ready'
Posted on August 11, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length long
Cyber threats are some of the biggest challenges organizations face, but cybersecurity failure is still seen as a critical short-term risk.. By Artem Nikulchenko. By Candid Wüest, Nisha Almoula, Roman Hagen @weforum.org.
Tags cio management infosec teams frameworks
How to be an architect?
Posted on August 6, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
But it is somewhat agreed understanding that Architects in a technical team are very senior people who should know everything. This is not a complete truth and nor a lie. What architects are supposed to do (I believe) still varies from organisation to organisation. By Husyn for AWS Community Builders.
Tags management teams career miscellaneous cio agile
NFTs for Designers: Introduction
Posted on July 20, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
The global NFT market relies on designers to support artists, Web3 platforms and marketplaces, and major global brands. Toptal designer Gabor Molnar offers insights from his experience breaking into this emerging field. By Gabor Molnar @toptal.com.
Tags miscellaneous ux web-development management teams agile learning crypto