Tag: Software
Sprint planning checklist
Posted on December 2, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
A Sprint Planning checklist? How dare you: Agile is a mindset, not a methodology. It is a journey, not a destination. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what else could you possibly cover with a checklist, the mother of all standardized processes? By Stefan Wolpers.
Tags agile teams cio software management
How to supercharge string search through a directory hierarchy on a Linux/Unix
Posted on December 1, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length short
Usually, I use the grep command/egrep command for code searching on my box. Recently, I come across another cool tool called ag. It is an attempt to make something better than ack, which itself is better than grep command. Let us see how to install and use the ag tool on Unix-like operating systems. By Vivek Gite.
Tags linux devops software cloud performance
A sysadmin's guide to containerizing applications
Posted on November 15, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Curious how to containerize your Linux applications? Learn by example, and understand the challenges of various application types and how to overcome them. By Scott McCarty (Red Hat, Sudoer).
Tags software linux devops how-to cio
Rust vs Go
Posted on November 7, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Which is better, Rust or Go? Which language should you choose for your next project, and why? How do the two compare in areas like performance, simplicity, safety, features, scale, and concurrency? By John Arundel.
Tags programming golang cio code-refactoring software performance
InnoDB Data Locking – Part 1 Introduction
Posted on October 20, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
In this blog series, we would like to introduce you gently to the topic on which we were working over last 2 years. Improving how InnoDB locks data (tables and rows) in order to provide illusion to clients that their queries are executed one after another, while in reality there is a lot of concurrency. By Kuba Łopuszański.
Tags cloud mysql database devops software performance
How to integrate bitbucket CI with selenium grid cloud
Posted on October 15, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Without Continuous Integration or CI, developers would need to manually coordinate, communicate, and test while contributing code to the end product each time. This, in turn, affects the production and causes a delay in release. By Salman Khan.
Tags tdd programming devops software
Building modern CI/CD workflows for serverless applications with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines and Argo
Posted on October 13, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
GitOps practices support continuous delivery in hybrid, multi-cluster Kubernetes environments. In this two-part article, we'll build a CI/CD workflow that demonstrates the potential of combining Tekton and GitOps. You'll also be introduced to Red Hat OpenShift Serverless, as we'll use Knative service resources in our CI/CD workflow. By David Sancho.
Tags devops software cicd containers
What is design thinking and why is it so popular?
Posted on October 12, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Design Thinking is not an exclusive property of designers—all great innovators in literature, art, music, science, engineering, and business have practiced it. So, why call it Design Thinking? By Rikke Friis Dam and Teo Yu Siang.
Tags ux software agile management cio
Game development with .NET
Posted on October 10, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
Microsoft launched a new Game Development with .NET section on their site. It's designed for current .NET developers to explore all the choices available to them when developing games. By Abdullah.
Tags azure software programming how-to
Apple is pouring resources & money into a new search engine
Posted on September 3, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Changes in Spotlight Search on iOS and iPadOS 14 beta, a significant update to its Applebot support page, and an increase in crawling from AppleBot signify that Apple may be launching a search engine soon. By Jon Henshaw.
Tags software miscellaneous software-architecture cio data-science
Graphtage: A new semantic diffing tool
Posted on September 1, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
Graphtage is a command line utility and underlying library for semantically comparing and merging tree-like structures such as JSON, JSON5, XML, HTML, YAML, and TOML files. By Evan Sultanik.
Tags linux software programming web-development open-source
Scrum of scrums: how to succeed in 4 simple steps
Posted on August 31, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Scrum of Scrums is a technique used to scale Agile by dividing the groups into Agile teams of 5-10. Each daily scrum within a sub-team ends by designating one member as representative to participate in a daily meeting with ambassadors from other teams, called the Scrum of Scrums. This article provides some tips on how to succeed with Scrum of Scrums. By Sergio Fiorillo.
Tags how-to agile cio teams management software