Tag: Software architecture
Building a websocket server in a Microservice architecture
Posted on June 28, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Designing a WebSocket server in a microservice architecture for real-time communications. This article was written to share author's exploration of real-time communication between frontend and backend using WebSocket. In recent years, microservice is an architectural approach that many developers have adopted, and one of the key principles of microservice architecture is the "Single Responsibility Principle." By KBryan.
Tags software-architecture microservices app-development
Securing Kafka infrastructure at Uber
Posted on June 27, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Uber has one of the largest deployments of Apache Kafka® in the world. It empowers a large number of real-time workflows at Uber, including pub-sub message buses for passing event data from the rider and driver apps, as well as financial transaction events between the backend services. By Prateek Agarwal, Ryan Turner, and KK Sriramadhesikan.
Tags software-architecture infosec devops performance queues messaging streaming distributed
Lessons learned from combining SQS and Lambda in a data project
Posted on June 26, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The built-in functionality of SQS and Lambda provided us serverless, scalable and fault-tolerant basis, but while running the solution we also learned some important lessons. In this blog post I will discuss the issue of valid messages ending up in dead-letter queues (DLQ) and correctly configuring your DLQ to catch only erroneous messages from your source SQS queue. By Miia Niemelä.
Tags serverless software-architecture machine-learning performance big-data
New superconductors could make faster Quantum computers
Posted on June 17, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Practical quantum computers could soon arrive with profound implications for everything from drug discovery to code-breaking. By Sascha Brodsky.
Tags programming cio app-development miscellaneous software-architecture
Event streaming is not event sourcing!
Posted on May 18, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length long
The main misunderstanding, and source of the issues, is related to deciding on the stale data. It brings uncertainty and the need for workarounds. It's a common mistake to use tools like Kafka and Pulsar for event stores, but they are not. You don't have basic guarantees for optimistic concurrency checks. By Oskar Dudycz.
Tags streaming software-architecture devops akka app-development
Introductory guide to functional programming concepts
Posted on April 20, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Functional Programming is a vast ocean of thoughts, ideas & implementations. I have only begun to explore this exquisite programming paradigm. From an imperative world, I transitioned into a more organized process of Object-Oriented Design (OOD), and more recently, having experienced all the goodness and shortcomings of object-oriented thinking, I've stepped into the exotic sphere of "functional programming". By Sreedev Kodichath.
Tags programming functional-programming how-to software-architecture
How to develop Event-Driven architectures
Posted on March 30, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Author is going to look at how we can use Open source Chronicle Queue and Chronicle Wire to structure applications to use Event-Driven Architecture (EDA). EDA is a design pattern in which decoupled components (often microservices) can asynchronously publish and subscribe to events. By Rob Austin.
Tags event-driven web-development app-development messaging java software-architecture
Architecture Pattern: Orchestration via workflows
Posted on March 13, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Most business processes involve doing multiple things across multiple systems. Imagine onboarding a new vendor onto a B2B platform. When a vendor is onboarded, we might have to create an identity for it, trigger some sort of verification process, issue new API keys and credentials to it, and so on. All of these steps typically happen across multiple teams and technical modules. By Kislay Verma.
Tags cio app-development software-architecture web-development miscellaneous
New to a codebase? Try drilling!
Posted on March 1, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
For an entry-level developer, working on the large codebase was quite overwhelming at the beginning. Every time I opened up VScode and loaded up one of our repositories, I felt like I was lost at sea. By Louie Berwanger.
Tags programming software-architecture how-to learning
Change management in SAP projects: How employees drive transformation
Posted on February 28, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Unfamiliar systems, new processes, completely different ways of working: an SAP implementation may unsettle users. That's why change management is crucial for the success of any IT project, especially in the course of a business transformation. By Thomas Jenewein.
Tags ansible teams career software-architecture devops cio management
Ansible tutorial for beginners: Playbook & examples
Posted on February 27, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Ansible is one of the most used tools for managing cloud and on-premises infrastructure. If you are looking for a flexible and powerful tool to automate your infrastructure management and configuration tasks Ansible is the way to go. By Ioannis Moustakis.
Tags ansible software-architecture devops cio cicd
Plain English description of monads without Haskell code
Posted on February 16, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length short
Monads are notorious in the programming world for their use in the Haskell programming language and for being hard to grasp. There's even a joke that writing a "monad tutorial" is a rite of passage for new Haskellers, and been described as pointless. By Chris Done.
Tags programming software-architecture learning