Tag: Software architecture
Application metrics in Istio
Posted on January 29, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Mete Atamel authored simple tutorial for adding Application metrics in Istio. The default metrics sent by Istio are useful to get an idea on how the traffic flows in your cluster. However, to understand how your application behaves, you also need application metrics.
Tags devops kubernetes software-architecture
Load balancing with HAProxy, Nginx and Keepalived in Linux
Posted on December 30, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Tutorial by Rishi Raj Gautam on linuxhandbook.com focusing on load balancers. Having a proper set up of load balancer allows your web server to handle high traffic smoothly instead of crashing down. In this tutorial, he explains how to setup a load balancer with high availability.
Tags nginx web-development cloud software-architecture
Migration to Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Posted on November 30, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
By Neeraj Khandelwal, Senior Engineering Manager-DevOps at Hike published series of blog posts about their growth journey and migration to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). They hit scaling challenges once they hit 100 million registered users and sent 40 billion messages every month.
Tags software-architecture gcp cloud startups google
Single Responsibility Principle done right
Posted on November 20, 2018, Level advanced Resource Length long
Ricardo Cardin thoughts on Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Single Responsibility Principle is one of the 5 principles defined in SOLID principles. It should help with readability, lose coupling and cohesion of your code. Ricardo considers it to be one of the most powerful among these principles, yet one of the most misleading.
Tags programming software-architecture miscellaneous
Connecting multiple OpenShift SDNs with a network tunnel
Posted on November 16, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Very interesting post by Raffaele Spazzoli published on OpenShift blog on topic of pod communication in multiple clusters. Istio, the upstream project for Red Hat OpenShift Mesh, has an interesting feature that allows you to extend the service mesh across multiple OpenShift clusters.
Tags programming cloud miscellaneous open-source software-architecture
4 edge computing technologies enabling IoT ready network infrastructure
Posted on September 30, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length short
A quick intro into IoT networking. Networks around the world are going through a massive transformation in which edge computing devices and edge infrastructure development hold a key role.
Tags iot data-science big-data machine-learning software-architecture
Introducing QALM, Uber's QoS load management framework
Posted on July 19, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length short
Article by Scott Yao and Ping Jin from Uber engineering team. It is about their experience how they proactively manage Uber's traffic loads based on the criticality of requests, they built QoS Aware Load Management (QALM), a dynamic load shedding framework for incoming requests based on criticality.
Tags programming agile software-architecture
Introduction to AWS Well-Architected Framework
Posted on July 3, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
An interesting article on devopedia about Amazon Web Services' Weell-Architected framework (WAFR). Cloud platforms offer a number of services. A typical application can use one or more of these services, each of which can be configured in a number of different ways. AWS Well-Architected Framework (WAFR) offers a set of guidelines and best practices to help practitioners migrate, manage and optimize their applications and their operations on the AWS cloud.
Tags programming serverless aws software-architecture
GraphQL, everything you need to know
Posted on June 8, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Weblab Technology post about what GraphQL is all about and how it's different from the traditional approach. The purpose of this article is to highlight the major features associated with GraphQL along with discussing the significant pros and cons associated with this particular API specification.
Tags programming nosql apis software-architecture
Event Sourcing made Simple
Posted on May 18, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Neat article by Philippe Creux, Ruby and Rails developer at kickstarter, about implementation a minimal event sourcing framework at Kickstarter to power d.rip. Event Sourcing is to data what Git is to code. It's simple and it has made their life so much better! Read on!
Tags programming software-architecture event-driven messaging
Resiliency in distributed systems
Posted on May 15, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length long
Rajeev Bharshetty neat article about why we need consider resiliency in software development. Resiliency of a system is directly proportional to its up-time and availability. The more resilient the systems, the more available it is to serve users.
Tags event-driven software-architecture programming
Developing a deeper understanding of Apache Kafka architecture
Posted on May 1, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length short
Insidebigdata team wrote this article in which they provide 30,000 feet overview of Apache Kafka architecture. Kafka, the distributed streaming platform, features an architecture that provides application messaging that is very clear.
Tags software-architecture event-driven messaging