Tag: Software architecture
Go plus services and one goliath project
Posted on December 20, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
An article by Kevin Dangoor from Khan Engineering about how Khan Academy is embarking on a huge effort to rebuild our server software on a more modern stack in Go.
Tags management software-architecture apis kubernetes software-architecture kotlin
Architecture of a large-scale web search engine, circa 2019
Posted on December 19, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length long
This is a long overview of bunch of search engines and their architecture. By Tech & Cliqz on 0x65.dev.
Tags search software-architecture containers kubernetes
Google Cloud Platform free tier vs physical and cloud servers for startups
Posted on December 18, 2019, Level interemediate Resource Length long
Over a decade ago, it was a common practice to host server software on dedicated private servers. In the age of cloud computing, this hasn't changed a lot because many businesses continue using cloud services as usual servers. By topal on hackernoon.
Tags software-architecture google containers kubernetes
How we 30x'd our Node parallelism
Posted on December 13, 2019, Level interemediate Resource Length long
What's the best way to safely increase parallelism in a production Node service? What if your application is a bank integration service? That's a question author's team needed to answer a couple of months ago. By Evan Limanto.
Tags software-architecture nodejs cloud cio containers kubernetes
Geospatial queries, reinvented
Posted on December 12, 2019, Level interemediate Resource Length long
In this article author goes through the details of how Beat managed to achieve lightning fast queries during the driver dispatching process; getting the nearest driver to a passenger. by Fotis Papadopoulos.
Tags software-architecture google data-science database
Turn your docker image into an auto-scaling Kubernetes deployment using Amazon EKS
Posted on December 11, 2019, Level interemediate Resource Length long
Omer Hanetz wrote this piece about his experiences with using EKS as the link between your cloud environment with all its computation power, storage, and security features, and your Kubernetes-based containerized environment with its micro-service and auto-scale capabilities.
Tags containers software-architecture kubernetes aws
How to manage your machine learning workflow with DVC, Weights & Biases, and Docker
Posted on November 13, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
James Le wrote this article in which he wants to show 3 powerful tools to simplify and scale up machine learning development within an organization by making it easy to track, reproduce, manage, and deploy models.
Tags big-data machine-learning software-architecture
Simplifying Microservices on Kubernetes with Microsoft's Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime)
Posted on November 11, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Gokul Chandra put together this tutorial on hot topic of microservices. Majority of the issues that developers often run into while developing microservices for edge or cloud, revolve around event-driven needs.
Tags microservices docker kubernetes software-architecture
Using Tableau with Kafka: How to build a real-time SQL dashboard on streaming data
Posted on November 9, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Scott Morris, Software Engineer at Rockset wrote this piece about building a real-time dashboard for operational monitoring and analytics on streaming event data from Kafka, which often requires complex SQL, including filtering, aggregations, and joins with other data sets.
Tags big-data data-science software-architecture apache
Use Kabanero, Appsody, and Codewind to build a Spring Boot application on Kubernetes
Posted on November 5, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length short
An article about how to create a modern, cloud-native application. New open source tools from IBM - Kabanero, Appsody, and Codewind - were created to make it easier for developers to build and deploy cloud-native applications to Kubernetes. By Hafid Haddouti.
Tags devops software-architecture programming web-development open-source
Why I recommend my clients NOT use KSQL and Kafka Streams
Posted on October 24, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length medium
An article by Jesse Anderson. He recommends his clients not use Kafka Streams because it lacks checkpointing. Kafka Streams also lacks and only approximates a shuffle sort. KSQL sits on top of Kafka Streams and so it inherits all of these problems and then some more.
Tags streaming software-architecture apache distributed
Intro guide to Dockerfile best practices
Posted on October 20, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Tibor Vass wrote this piece about best Dockerfile practices. There are over 1 million Dockerfiles on GitHub today, but not all Dockerfiles are created equally. Efficiency is critical, and this blog series will cover five areas for Dockerfile best practices to help you write better Dockerfiles: incremental build time, image size, maintainability, security and repeatability.
Tags cicd containers docker devops software-architecture