Tag: Programming
Quick front-end integrations through components
Posted on March 19, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Integrations between people and projects are a challenge for every organization. For teams that work remotely, it's twice as challenging. Integrations should be made as simple and "low-touch" as possible. By Jonathan Saring.
Tags frontend web-development programming
Building a CLI chat app with Go and WebSockets
Posted on March 18, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
In this tutorial you will elarn about more about the WebSockets protocol. Go provides a WebSocket library, but the Go team advises to use other solutions built by the community. By Gustavo Caso.
Tags programming golang software
Building a minesweeper game using React Hooks
Posted on March 17, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Author of this blog post will share his experience and learnings with a project to improve my knowledge of the most significant ReactJS feature in recent time -- hooks. Tutorial is about building Minesweeper clone. TypeScript was also used. By Ivaylo.
Tags programming javascript react ux
Five misconceptions on how NodeJS works
Posted on February 29, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
NodeJS was born in 2009 and it has gained massive popularity throughout the years because of one reason. It's just JavaScript! Well, it's a JavaScript runtime designed to write server-side applications, but the statement that "It's just JavaScript" is not 100% true. By Deepal Jayasekara.
Tags javascript nodejs programming
Securing Firefox with WebAssembly
Posted on February 28, 2020, Level advanced Resource Length medium
Protecting the security and privacy of individuals is a central tenet of Mozilla's mission, and so they constantly endeavor to make their users safer online. With a complex and highly-optimized system like Firefox, memory safety is one of the biggest security challenges. By Nathan Froyd.
Tags programming infosec miscellaneous javascript
7 Easy functional programming techniques in Go
Posted on February 27, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Deepu K Sasidharan put together this article for Go developers interested in functional programming. Do not worry, you don't have to learn functional programming oriented languages like Haskell or Clojure(or even Scala or JavaScript though they are not pure functional programming languages) since Go has you covered and this post is for you.
Tags golang programming functional-programming
The magic of generating an Xcode project
Posted on February 21, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length short
Planet Earth vs. Jupiter. There is the same order of magnitude between the ratio of these two planets and the amount of code that defined the SoundCloud iOS project before -- Jupiter -- and after -- Earth -- generating it using Tuist. By Andrea Cipriani.
Tags ios machine-learning app-development programming
Building an adaptive, multi-tenant stream bus with Kafka and Golang
Posted on February 20, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Back in the 2000s, SOAP/WSDL with ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) was the dominant server-side architecture for many companies. Since the 2010s, microservices and service mesh technologies have grown wildly and thus became the de-facto industry standards. By Xinyu Liu.
Tags software-architecture apache streaming apis devops web-development programming
7 ways to remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript
Posted on February 19, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Jayanth Babu wrote this article about how to remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript. It's a common use case in many projects to need to remove duplicates from array in JavaScript. For interviews, it's a common coding challenge to practice for everyone.
Tags nodejs javascript web-development programming
A serverless journey begins with several first steps, actually
Posted on February 15, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
AWS serverless expert explains what you need to know before launching a serverless pilot. By Joe McKendrick.
Tags serverless event-driven cio programming software-architecture
Best practices for event-driven microservice architecture
Posted on February 14, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
While you might have used REST as your service communications layer in the past, more and more projects are moving to an event-driven architecture. Let's dive into the pros and cons of this popular architecture, some of the key design choices it entails, and common anti-patterns. By Jason Skowronski.
Tags microservices event-driven messaging programming software-architecture
Mathematicians are studying planet-sized Quantum Computers with God-like powers
Posted on February 13, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
New research has exploded the space of problems that quantum computers can efficiently verify, simultaneously knocking down milestone problems in quantum physics and math. By Mordechai Rorvig.
Tags programming software-architecture machine-learning cloud