Tag: Programming
Unikraft and the coming of age of Unikernels
Posted on November 2, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Thanks to their excellent performance, unikernels have always had a great deal of potential for revolutionizing the efficiency of virtualization and cloud deployments. However, after many years and several projects, unikernels, for the most part, have not seen significant, real-world deployment. By Hugo Lefeuvre, Gaulthier Gain, Daniel Dinca, Alexander Jung, Simon Kuenzer, Vlad Bădoiu, Răzvan Deaconescu , Laurent Mathy, Costin Raiciu, Pierre Olivier, Felipe Huici.
Tags linux how-to performance programming infosec
Code is everyone's business
Posted on November 2, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Nearly every company now produces software or applications to enable it to do business. That can include using software as an interface to customer support, enabling e-commerce channels, and powering internal operations to serve customers and keep the business running. By Brian Rue.
Tags cio programming analytics teams management cloud
What I wish I knew when learning F#
Posted on October 16, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
I've used F# a lot in the last 3 years and for quite some time I wanted to collect a few good starting points to venture into F# in one place. I also wanted to collect some of those random things that I felt weren't easily available anywhere because they fall through the cracks of the official language reference and library documentation. By Justine Kavanaugh-Brown.
Tags learning programming web-development app-development code-refactoring
Tools of the build trade: The making of a tiny Kotlin app
Posted on September 16, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Tony Robalik published the story of how to build thinhs with Gradle, how to use the application and distribution plugins to build the app and bundle a distribution; how to use the shadow plugin to turn it into a fat jar.
Tags kotlin programming web-development app-development software-architecture java
Parallelism, concurrency, and AsyncIO in Python - by example
Posted on September 15, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Concurrency and parallelism are similar terms, but they are not the same thing. This post looks at how to speed up CPU-bound and IO-bound operations with multiprocessing, threading, and AsyncIO. Older article by Amal Shaji.
Tags python programming web-development app-development performance
Observing gRPC-based microservices on Amazon EKS running Istio
Posted on September 8, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Observing a gRPC-based Kubernetes application using Jaeger, Zipkin, Prometheus, Grafana, and Kiali on Amazon EKS running Istio service mesh. By Gary A. Stafford.
Tags aws kubernetes open-source containers devops programming
Intro to Scala 3 macros
Posted on September 7, 2021, Level advanced Resource Length medium
What is macro? A common explanation given is that a macro is a program that is able to take code as an input and output code. While it's true, it might not immediately make sense since Scala programmers are often familiar with higher-order functions like (map {...}) and by-name parameter, which on the surface it might seem like it is passing a block of code around. By @eed3si9n.
Tags scala java jvm programming
Python's ChainMap: Manage multiple contexts effectively
Posted on August 23, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Sometimes when you're working with several different dictionaries, you need to group and manage them as a single one. In other situations, you can have multiple dictionaries representing different scopes or contexts and need to handle them as a single dictionary that allows you to access the underlying data following a given order or priority. In those cases, you can take advantage of Python's ChainMap from the collections module. By Leodanis Pozo Ramos.
Tags python programming oop app-development
Introduction to Akka Streams
Posted on August 22, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Akka Streams is a library to process and transfer a sequence of elements. It is built on top of Akka Actors to make the ingestion and processing of streams easy. As it is build on top of Akka Actors, it provide a higher-level abstraction over Akka's existing actor model. By Asbin Bhadra.
Tags akka queues programming scala java jvm
How to compile C code into WebAssembly with Emscripten
Posted on August 16, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length short
How do I start using WebAssembly That's exactly what we're going to address this time around. Autthor is going to demonstrate how to get started with this technology. By Jack Wallen.
Tags code-refactoring learning programming app-development frontend
Advancing your financial services strategy with Azure sustainability
Posted on August 10, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Many CEOs and senior business leaders have used the COVID-19 and economic crisis as an opportunity to focus on redesigning their business. Like others, they've felt compelled to re-examine their business and operational models, driven by the internal necessity for digital transformation, as well as external consumer and regulatory pressures to advance sustainability efforts. By Kristen Hicks.
Tags app-development azure programming cloud cio
Deploy your Laravel app as a static site to Netlify
Posted on August 9, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
With JAMstack, your entire site is pre-built as static HTML files and hosted on CDN. Since those static files are served via CDN, it's blazing fast, scalable, and more secure as there is no backend servers and databases. By Ryuta Hamasaki.
Tags app-development web-development programming cloud php