Tag: Performance
Async Rust in practice: Performance, pitfalls, profiling
Posted on January 17, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
A few weeks ago, an interesting issue appeared on our GitHub tracker. It was reported that, despite our care in designing the driver to be efficient, it proved to be unpleasantly slower than one of the competing drivers, cassandra-cpp, which is a Rust wrapper of a C++ CQL driver. By Piotr Sarna.
Tags programming performance software-architecture cio how-to
How we saved 70k cores across 30 mission-critical services
Posted on January 15, 2022, Level advanced Resource Length long
As part of Uber engineering's wide efforts to reach profitability, recently our team was focused on reducing cost of compute capacity by improving efficiency. Some of the most impactful work was around GOGC optimization. In this blog we want to share our experience with a highly effective, low-risk, large-scale, semi-automated Go GC tuning mechanism. By Cristian Velazquez.
Tags how-to microservices performance devops app-development agile
How we built a VS Code extension with Rust, WebAssembly, and TypeScript
Posted on January 14, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length long
We'll talk through our design decisions in building the extension, and along the way we'll touch on the Language Server Protocol and, more generally, how an IDE extension works. By osohq.com.
Tags app-development open-source programming code-refactoring software performance
3 ways to make your manager see you as more productive
Posted on January 2, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Nearly 6 out of 10 workers found that they had more productivity working remotely than they previously expected, according to a survey conducted by Jose Maria Barrero of the Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology, Bloom, and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business' Steven J. Davis. By FairyGodBoss.
Tags management iot performance startups
The state of pattern matching in Java 17
Posted on December 29, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The act of checking a given sequence of tokens for the presence of the constituents of some pattern. Or simply put, it's a language feature where you can test for a specific pattern on a character sequence or a data structure. By Deepu K Sasidharan.
Tags java programming performance jvm
Are containers always the best way to save money and provide more agility?
Posted on December 13, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
From time to time, it is good to review the solutions that make up your infrastructure. Perhaps there are efficiencies or cost savings to be made. Perhaps your needs as a company have evolved. Or perhaps a new technology or trend is challenging or supplanting existing approaches. By Naomi Scott, Callum Jackson @IBM.
Tags cloud containers ibm performance
3 ways to use load tests beyond performance
Posted on December 7, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Most teams use load testing only for performance or stress tests. But they can also help uncover infrastructure issues early. Read on to see how load tests can help make your entire system more resilient at its foundation. By Dennis Martinez.
Tags tdd cloud miscellaneous performance agile web-development
How WhatsApp scaled to 1 billion users with only 50 engineers
Posted on November 9, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
In 2016, WhatsApp reached more than a billion users. They managed to serve this scale with only 50 engineers. By @quastor.org.
Tags performance web-development programming app-development open-source
Unikraft and the coming of age of Unikernels
Posted on November 2, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Thanks to their excellent performance, unikernels have always had a great deal of potential for revolutionizing the efficiency of virtualization and cloud deployments. However, after many years and several projects, unikernels, for the most part, have not seen significant, real-world deployment. By Hugo Lefeuvre, Gaulthier Gain, Daniel Dinca, Alexander Jung, Simon Kuenzer, Vlad Bădoiu, Răzvan Deaconescu , Laurent Mathy, Costin Raiciu, Pierre Olivier, Felipe Huici.
Tags linux how-to performance programming infosec
Rate limiting with HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress controller
Posted on October 13, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length short
DDoS (distributed denial of service) events occur when an attacker or group of attackers flood your application or API with disruptive traffic, hoping to exhaust its resources and prevent it from functioning properly. Bots and scrapers, too, can misbehave, making far more requests than is reasonable. By Jim O'Connell.
Tags devops cloud kubernetes cio performance
Investigate Node.js high CPU issue in Linux app service
Posted on October 11, 2021, Level advanced Resource Length medium
When running your Node.js application in Azure Linux App Service, you may encounter High CPU consumption issue. By Hanli_Ren.
Tags linux nodejs performance app-development azure
gRPC for microservices communication
Posted on September 19, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Microservices architecture has become a popular choice for developing software applications. In a microservice architecture, the microservices often need to communicate with each other. Compared to the traditional RESTful web API, a gRPC based RPC framework can be a better alternative for microservices communication. By Pankaj.
Tags apis microservices devops performance golang