Tag: Nosql
Build and secure a GraphQL server with Node.js
Posted on January 7, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
A tutorial from the pen of Roy Derks. Learn how to handle authentication and authorization of a GraphQL server using Node.js and JWTs.
Tags javascript infosec web-development nodejs nosql
GraphQL introduction and integrating GraphQL into your frontend stack
Posted on November 8, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
GraphQL is becoming the new way to use APIs in modern web and mobile apps. Free and powerful, concise course that will introduce you to GraphQL and integrating GraphQL into your frontend stack, in the shortest amount of time possible. By hasura.io.
Tags learning open-source nosql apis restful
From REST to GraphQL: Different way to create API (with Apollo & Node.js)
Posted on October 31, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Dirk Wolthuis wrote this tutorial about moving from REST to GraphQL. If you already have a MySQL database you have an excellent starting point for creating a scalable API.
Tags apis nodejs javascript web-development nosql restful
Firebase: What is atomicity & how to accurately increment/decrement values in cloud Firestore
Posted on October 22, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length short
In computer science, ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) is a set of properties of database transactions intended to guarantee validity even in the event of errors, connection issues, power failure, and etc. An article by Jeff Lewis about atomicity in Firebase.
Tags nosql infosec cloud app-development web-development
How on-demand pricing slashed our DynamoDB bill by 90 percent
Posted on April 27, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length short
Ashwin Bhat published this short article about their experience with a new pricing structure for DynamoDB called On-Demand Mode. With it, your capacity costs are strictly a function of how many capacity units you consume, rather than how many you would have provisioned in Provisioned Capacity Mode.
Tags aws nosql
Building stateful apps with serverless functions and Postgres
Posted on April 2, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Tirumarai Selvan, Product Lead at Hasura, published this guide which explores the different ways to deal with application state when writing business logic in serverless functions. Author uses Postgres as the database when talking about these different approaches, and often use Hasura as one of the glue solutions between your serverless functions and your Postgres database.
Tags database microservices nosql servers distributed apis
Code Migration in Production: Rewriting the Sharding Layer of Uber's Schemaless Datastore
Posted on March 20, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
An older article by Jesper Lindstrøm Nielsen and Anders Johnsen about how Uber Engineering built Schemaless, their fault-tolerant and scalable datastore, to facilitate the rapid growth of our company.
Tags database data-science nosql
How to run HA MongoDB on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Posted on March 19, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length medium
A tutorial by Janakiram MSV about running highly available MongoDB cluster on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes offering running in IBM Cloud. It is designed to deliver powerful tools, intuitive user experience, and built-in security for rapid delivery of applications that can be bound to cloud services related to IBM Watson, IoT, DevOps and data analytics.
Tags cloud kubernetes nosql
Seven tips on Firebase security rules and the Admin SDK
Posted on March 14, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length long
Posted by Hiranya Jayathilaka and Rachel Myers this article focuses on Firebase offers security rules -- a powerful mechanism that helps enforce the security and logical correctness of your apps. The backend services use security rules to authorize and validate the requests made by client apps, and make sure they adhere to the policies that app developers have put in place.
Tags nosql infosec cloud app-development
Create an Alexa skill with serverless and a conversation
Posted on November 1, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
An article by Niklas Heidloff and Mark Sturdevant from IBM on hot Alexa skills topic. In it you will find how to create an Alexa skill with serverless and a conversation. Apart from Alexa you will also use Watson to discuss the weather, build a conversation, or choose one from a library. Watson is a question-answering computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language, developed in IBM's DeepQA project.
Tags javascript serverless ibm bots miscellaneous nosql
GraphQL, everything you need to know
Posted on June 8, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Weblab Technology post about what GraphQL is all about and how it's different from the traditional approach. The purpose of this article is to highlight the major features associated with GraphQL along with discussing the significant pros and cons associated with this particular API specification.
Tags programming nosql apis software-architecture
Reusing & composing GraphQL APIs with GraphQL bindings
Posted on May 12, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Graphcool published tutorial about GraphQL bindings. With GraphQL bindings you can embed existing GraphQL APIs into your GraphQL server. In this article, they present a new application of schema stitching which makes it particularly easy to reuse, compose and share existing GraphQL APIs: GraphQL bindings.
Tags big-data apis nosql