Tag: Nosql
How to build a powerful e-learning platform using Scala and Redis
Posted on December 9, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Never before has online learning been so accessible. Whether you want to discover more about cryptocurrency, sharpen your programming skills or even just learn a new language, the digital age has gifted everyone access to a phenomenal amount of content. However, over time e-learning has been viewed as just another digital commodity, where users expect all online content to be instantaneous. Speed remains crucial to performance, where any lags or delays in page loading time kills the user's experience. By Redis Growth Team.
Tags cloud miscellaneous scala java machine-learning big-data nosql
Learn more about distributed databases with ShardingSphere
Posted on December 8, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Apache ShardingSphere is an open source distributed database, plus an ecosystem users and developers need for their database to provide a customized and cloud-native experience. By Trista Pan.
Tags database distributed nosql cio
Dealing with eventual consistency and idempotency in MongoDB projections
Posted on November 21, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Auditability, diagnostics, time travelling are usually the first mentioned features when speaking about Event Sourcing. All of them are great, but to me, projections are the real killer feature of an event-driven approach. Why? By Oskar Dudycz.
Tags cloud database streaming nosql cio queues
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – Where speed meets consistency
Posted on November 16, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length long
Modern apps are not monolithic; they're composed of a complex graph of interconnected microservices, where the response time for one component can impact the performance of the entire system. For instance, a page load on an e-commerce website may require inputs from a dozen microservices, each of which must execute quickly to render the entire page as fast as possible so you don't lose a customer. It's critical that the data systems that support those microservices perform rapidly and reliably, and where speed is a primary concern, Redis has always been top performer. By Dr. Werner Vogels.
Tags cloud aws cio software-architecture nosql devops
Transitioning from MySQL to MongoDB
Posted on November 7, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length long
This article will not discuss the different types of database systems, like RDBMS and so on. We will, however, focus on two concepts: SQL Databases and NoSQL databases. By @peteradeojo.
Tags nosql database software mysql devops
Paginations 1.0: Time series collections in five minutes
Posted on October 28, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
As someone who loves to constantly measure myself and everything around me, I was excited to see MongoDB add dedicated time-series collections in MongoDB 5.0. Previously, MongoDB had been great for handling time-series data, but only if you were prepared to write some fairly complicated insert and update code and use a complex schema. In 5.0, all the hard work is done for you, including lots of behind-the-scenes optimization. By John Page.
Tags nosql app-development database web-development
Everything I learned in my 1st year as a SWE: GraphQL
Posted on October 12, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
A beginner's crash course in GraphQL & REST APIs. In this series, I'll be sharing all the tools and technologies that I've picked up in my first year in the hopes of helping other entry-level engineers on their journey. By Camila Ramos.
Tags devops cloud nosql database
Postgres full-text search: Search engine in a database
Posted on October 9, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
So when we say PostgreSQL is the "batteries included database," this is just one reason why. With Postgres, you don't need to immediately look farther than your own database management system for a full-text search solution. If you haven't yet given Postgres' built-in full-text search a try, read on for a simple intro. By Kat Batuigas.
Tags database search microservices nosql software-architecture cloud mysql
Redis at the Edge with Cloudflare Workers
Posted on September 1, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Computing at the Edge is one of the most exciting capabilities in recent years. CDN allows you to keep your files closer to your users. Edge computing allows you to run your applications closer to your users. This helps developers to build globally distributed, performant applications. By Enes Akar.
Tags app-development cloud software-architecture nosql performance
Integrating Firebase with React Native
Posted on August 6, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Firebase is a Backend as a Service (BaaS) that provides an advantage to mobile developers who use React Native for developing mobile applications. As a React Native developer, by using Firebase you can start building an MVP (minimum viable product), keeping the costs low and prototyping the application pretty fast. By Aman Mittal.
Tags app-development nosql react javascript frontend
4 Patterns for microservices architecture in Couchbase
Posted on July 22, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Microservices have emerged as a common architecture pattern over the last decade. By Craig Buckler.
Tags microservices devops software-architecture nosql
How to handle one-to-many relationships in NoSQL databases
Posted on July 11, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Data modeling in NoSQL is trickier than normal SQL. Sometimes, it goes against our intuition. Especially coming from an SQL background, I found it hard to comprehend the various reasons behind the data modeling in NoSQL databases like AWS DynamoDB or Firebase. By Mohammad Faisal.
Tags database nosql app-development performance