Tag: Learning
6 essential digital optimization skills you need
Posted on May 21, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
To succeed as a customer-centric team, building and honing digital optimization skills is crucial. Here are the skills to focus on.. By Will Watkinson. By Mallory Busch.
Tags cio cloud career performance management learning
Building a business system integration and automation platform at Shopify
Posted on May 20, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Companies organize and automate their internal processes with a multitude of business systems. Since companies function as a whole, these systems need to be able to talk to one another. At Shopify, we took advantage of Ruby, Rails, and our scale with these technologies to build a business system integration solution. By Will Watkinson.
Tags cio cloud management learning
SwiftUI -- MVVM state management in a simple way
Posted on May 17, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
SwiftUI is Apple's new declarative framework for building user interfaces for all Apple devices. This framework can be broken down into two essential components: views and state. By Amisha I.
Tags swiftlang programming app-development learning
What exactly should we be logging?
Posted on May 15, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
As a security architect and the technical leader for the Logging Made Easy project, I am often asked "what logs should I be collecting?" I absolutely hate the standard 'it depends' response. So, I've been answering with a question of my own: "For what?" This has led to a number of interesting discussions on the topic of who should be logging what, and when. By Adam B.
Tags infosec devops programming learning software how-to
OOP vs Type Classes: Ideology
Posted on May 14, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
This is the 1st article of a series that explores the difference between OOP design, and parametric polymorphism with Type Classes, as both are possible in Scala. By Alexandru Nedelcu.
Tags oop programming learning software
Physical theory explains how time is non-existent, irrelevant to our lives
Posted on May 13, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Time is an important aspect of life that each person relies on in order to function in society. Time can be measured in many ways, such as in calendars and clocks, and can be viewed at any moment of the day, at any place. By Ron Jefferson.
Tags miscellaneous cio learning data-science
Swift actors: How do they work, and what kinds of problems do they solve?
Posted on May 12, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Since the very first version of Swift, we've been able to define our various types as either classes, structs, or enums. But now, with the launch of Swift 5.5 and its built-in concurrency system, a new type declaration keyword has been added to the mix -- actor. By John Sundell.
Tags swiftlang linux how-to programming learning
Modern alternatives to some of the classic Linux commands
Posted on May 11, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
When you start learning Linux, you begin with a standard set of Linux commands that have been in existence since the UNIX days. As you grow old as a Linux user, you keep on mastering the same set of standard commands. By Abhishek Prakash.
Tags miscellaneous linux how-to devops learning
Using Elixir and WhatsApp to fight COVID19
Posted on April 30, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Elixir enables companies to rapidly get a product to market with confidence that it can scale and handle considerable spikes in concurrent users. By Erlang Solutions.
Tags elixir web-development app-development learning erlang performance
How to start using generic types in PHP
Posted on April 14, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Generic types are templates which allow us to write the code without specifying a particular type of data on which the code will work. Thanks to them, we avoid the redundancy and the objects operate on the previously declared types. By Jarek Szutkowski.
Tags php web-development app-development learning
Archive DynamoDB items to S3 automatically
Posted on April 5, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Storing data like JSON logs in DynamoDB is a great idea as DynamoDB is very scalable. In addition, it is easier to transfer data into a DynamoDB table using for example Lambda and AWS SDK. Also, it makes analyzing the logs easier for example the AWS Console offers great filtering options to search for specific so-called table items. By Martin Mueller.
Tags aws serverless learning nosql database
Easily debug Salesforce using Nebula logger
Posted on April 4, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
There is a regular requirement and a big use case for both admins and developers, as they need to easily debug and surface issues in an app that is accessible for end users. Robust logging functionality is an essential part of the puzzle - even better if it can be customized to meet the needs of your specific organisation. By Atlas Can.
Tags miscellaneous cio learning big-data