Tag: Kubernetes
EKS vs GKE vs AKS: Evaluating Kubernetes in the cloud
Posted on October 3, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
We are now six years past the initial release of Kubernetes, and it continues to be one of the fastest-growing open-source projects to date. By Michael Foster.
Tags devops cloud aws containers azure kubernetes gcp
Getting started with Knative in Scala
Posted on September 24, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Knative is an open source project that extends Kubernetes by providing a set of middleware components simplifying deploying, running, and managing serverless applications. By Boris Lublinsky.
Tags scala serverless devops kubernetes programming software-architecture
Simplify Kubernetes resource access control using RBAC impersonation
Posted on September 20, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
In this tutorial, authors propose a way to "mimic" group memberships - which can be either by team, project or any other aggregation you may need - using stock Kubernetes authorization features. By Juanjo Ciarlante @cncf.
Tags cio devops kubernetes containers software-architecture
Serverless observability: the ultimate guide
Posted on September 17, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Observability is an application state that gives you both the insight you need to understand what went wrong, and the tracing and tracking capabilities that help you understand why an error occurred. By Emrah Samdan.
Tags serverless devops kubernetes containers software-architecture
Istio OIDC authentication
Posted on September 16, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
A service mesh is an architectural pattern that provides common network services as a feature of the infrastructure. This typically includes features such as service discovery and policy enforcement to control how services within the mesh can communicate with each other. By Luke Addison.
Tags devops cloud kubernetes containers software-architecture
OAM, the Kubernetes application model bridging development and deployment
Posted on September 12, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Why does Kubernetes need a unified application model? It would be the final piece needed to run a seamless deployment model. By Joab Jackson.
Tags kubernetes containers devops open-source
Multi-Cluster service mesh failover and fallback routing
Posted on September 10, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In this blog series, we will dig into specific challenge areas for multi-cluster Kubernetes and service mesh architecture, considerations and approaches in solving them. In our first post, we looked at service discovery and in this post we'll look at failover and fallback routing across multiple clusters. By Denis Jannot.
Tags kubernetes containers cloud software-architecture containers
Building your own serverless functions with k3s and OpenFaaS on Raspberry Pi
Posted on September 6, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
In recent years, lots of new programming paradigms have emerged – going from monolithic architectures towards microservices and now serverless functions. As a result, less code needs to be deployed, and updating an application becomes easier and faster as only a part has to be built and deployed. By Andreas Muttscheller.
Tags serverless containers data-science kubernetes devops docker
Tutorial: Deploying TensorFlow models at the edge with NVIDIA Jetson Nano and K3s
Posted on September 5, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Janakiram MSV put together this tutorial about TensorFlow models. We will explore the idea of running TensorFlow models as microservices at the edge. Jetson Nano, a powerful edge computing device will run the K3s distribution from Rancher Labs. It can be a single node K3s cluster or join an existing K3s cluster just as an agent.
Tags containers data-science kubernetes devops docker
Getting started with Microsoft Open Service Mesh
Posted on September 4, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Microsoft announced the first public release of Open Service Mesh (OSM) an open-source, lightweight, and extensible service mesh implementation, based on the Service Mesh Interface (SMI) specification. By Thorsten Hans.
Tags containers azure kubernetes devops docker
How K3s, Portworx, and Calico can serve as a foundation of cloud native edge infrastructure
Posted on September 2, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Kubernetes is finding its way from the cloud to the edge via the data center. During the early days, Kubernetes was considered for hyperscale workloads running in the public cloud. It eventually became the consistent and unified infrastructure layer to run workloads in hybrid cloud and multicloud environments. By Janakiram MSV.
Tags linux devops kubernetes web-development containers iot
Here's how to use Istio with other Nginx ingress proxies
Posted on August 12, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
It's been a common problem that we've been asked to address, and something that pops up frequently. Can I use Istio with other ingress proxies? In a word? Yes. Written by Tetrate.
Tags kubernetes containers devops performance nginx