Tag: Jvm
Revolutionizing Java with GraalVM Native Image
Posted on April 23, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length long
GraalVM has caused a revolution in Java development since it launched three years ago. One of the most discussed features of GraalVM is Native Image, which is based on an ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation. By Alina Yurenko and Karsten Silz.
Tags java programming kotlin jvm scala performance
How to build low latency crypto trading systems using Java and Chronicle services
Posted on March 27, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Cryptocurrency trading is an emerging market with its own rules. However, when it comes to the need for low-latency arbitrage, that is, being able to react rapidly to changing market prices and placing orders ahead of the competition, there are lessons we can learn from optimizing classic trading systems. By Ivan Rakov.
Tags miscellaneous jvm java app-development programming
Create your own Kotlin playground (and get a data science head start) with Jupyter Notebook
Posted on December 30, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Learn the basics of Jupyter Notebook and how to turn it into an interactive interpreter for Kotlin. You'll also learn about Data Frames, an important data structure for data science applications. By Joey deVilla.
Tags kotlin java app-development jvm data-science
The state of pattern matching in Java 17
Posted on December 29, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
The act of checking a given sequence of tokens for the presence of the constituents of some pattern. Or simply put, it's a language feature where you can test for a specific pattern on a character sequence or a data structure. By Deepu K Sasidharan.
Tags java programming performance jvm
Gavin Bierman explains pattern matching for switch, a Java 17 preview
Posted on October 15, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Pattern matching for switch follows logically from pattern matching for instanceof, which was delivered as part of JDK 16. By Justine Kavanaugh-Brown
Tags jvm java web-development app-development
Intro to Scala 3 macros
Posted on September 7, 2021, Level advanced Resource Length medium
What is macro? A common explanation given is that a macro is a program that is able to take code as an input and output code. While it's true, it might not immediately make sense since Scala programmers are often familiar with higher-order functions like (map {...}) and by-name parameter, which on the surface it might seem like it is passing a block of code around. By @eed3si9n.
Tags scala java jvm programming
Introduction to Akka Streams
Posted on August 22, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Akka Streams is a library to process and transfer a sequence of elements. It is built on top of Akka Actors to make the ingestion and processing of streams easy. As it is build on top of Akka Actors, it provide a higher-level abstraction over Akka's existing actor model. By Asbin Bhadra.
Tags akka queues programming scala java jvm
First look at Akka Serverless
Posted on August 21, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Akka Serverless exposes part of the open-source battle-tested Akka framework as an as-a-service offering. If you ever wondered what a fully managed version of Akka Cluster+Sharding+Persistence would look like, here's the answer! If you don't know what Akka is at all, don't worry — we'll cover all the necessary details. By Adam Warski.
Tags akka queues app-development scala containers jvm
Server-Side development with Kotlin: Frameworks and libraries
Posted on November 23, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
It is quite common to use existing frameworks and libraries for backend application development. If we look at most of the popular frameworks in the Java ecosystem, many of them actually support Kotlin out of the box. There are a lot of Java libraries too. You can use these frameworks and libraries in your Kotlin programs thanks to Kotlin's flawless Java interoperability. By Anton Arhipov.
Tags kotlin programming jvm performance
Behind the scenes: How do lambda expressions really work in Java?
Posted on October 6, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
A look into the bytecode to see how Java handles lambdas. What does a lambda expression look like inside Java code and inside the JVM? It is obviously some type of value, and Java permits only two sorts of values: primitive types and object references. By Ben Evans.
Tags jvm java web-development app-development software-architecture
🚀 Visualizing memory management in JVM(Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, Clojure)
Posted on July 17, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In this multi-part series, author aims to demystify the concepts behind memory management and take a deeper look at memory management in some of the modern programming languages. By Deepu K Sasidharan; JHipster co-lead, Java, JS, Cloud Native Advocate, Developer Advocate @ Adyen, Author, Speaker, Software craftsman.
Tags java scala jvm performance
Data structures and algorithms in Java: A beginner's guide
Posted on March 26, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Learn all about array and list data structures in Java, and the algorithms you can use to search and sort the data they contain. By Jeff Friesen.
Tags java programming web-development jvm