Tag: Java
Google beats Oracle in biggest programming copyright Supreme Court case ever
Posted on April 8, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
At long last, programming code's application programming interfaces are protected from Oracle's over-reaching claims. Ten years ago, Oracle argued that Google had infringed Oracle's copyright, by copying the "structure, sequence, and organization" of 37 Java application programming interfaces (APIs) into Android. By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols.
Tags java miscellaneous cio apis
How code quality is measured: Android code review at Yalantis
Posted on March 12, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Programmers are the authors of great builds just as writers are the authors of bestselling novels. But behind the scenes, there are always many people who contribute to the process. The best code – like the best products of any type – is the result of collaboration. All programmers, both senior-level software engineers and beginners, occasionally need somebody else to take a fresh look at their code and find issues in it. This is how code quality is ensured at Yalantis. By Kate Abrosimova and Olexander Taran.
Tags java android app-development
Initialization strategies with Testcontainers for integration tests
Posted on February 24, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Testcontainers offers several initialization strategies for our Docker containers when writing integration tests. Depending on the Docker image we use for our tests, we might have to perform additional setup steps. By Philip.
Tags programming tdd java performance devops
Open sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot
Posted on February 12, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Alex Birsan recently published his article "Dependency Confusion: How I Hacked Into Apple, Microsoft and Dozens of Other Companies" in which he explains how he used language level package managers like npm (Javascript), pip (Python), and gems (Ruby) to get companies to install and run his malicious code on their infrastructure. By Paul Bakker and Kavitha Srinivasan.
Tags open-source java nosql apis web-development app-development
Spring Batch on Kubernetes: Efficient batch processing at scale
Posted on February 6, 2021, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Batch processing has been a challenging area of computer science since its inception in the early days of punch cards and magnetic tapes. By Mahmoud Ben Hassine.
Tags kubernetes programming containers java
Junit 5 tutorial for beginners
Posted on January 10, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length long
Sai Upadhyayula wrote this piece about Junit. Junit 5 is one of the popular testing frameworks in the Java Development World. Even though JUnit 5 is a successor for Junit 4, the architecture of the framework is completely different, so let's have a look at the Architecture of Junit 5.
Tags java tdd software learning
Docker for Java developers: 5 things you need to know not to fail your security
Posted on January 6, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
In this article we will focus on the Docker container security aspects related to building a Docker image, reducing the security vulnerabilities count introduced by Docker base images as well as Dockerfile security best practices. By Liran Tal and Omer Levi Hevroni.
Tags infosec containers docker java miscellaneous
How to increase push notification delivery rate in Android?
Posted on December 9, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Notifications are one of the important parts of any application. Almost every application on your mobile device will be sending some or other kind of notification. By Sumit Mishra.
Tags android app-development java messaging queues cloud
How the HotSpot and Graal JVMs execute Java code
Posted on November 2, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
James Gough explores the subsystems that are involved in interpreting, compiling and executing a Hello World Application. He dives into JIT compilation and the arrival of the JVM Compiler Interface to explore how optimizations are applied to boost the performance. He discusses HotSpot, explores Graal and the JVM ecosystem to discover performance benefits of a platform 25 years in the making.
Tags java app-development programming miscellaneous performance
A beginners guide to abstraction in Object-Oriented programming
Posted on October 23, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Learn the basics of abstraction in object-oriented programming with example code and practice challenges. By Lee Nathan.
Tags oop programming java javascript python software-architecture
Kafka with Java: Build a secure, scalable messaging app
Posted on October 16, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Today's users expect your app to be accessible from their computer, mobile phone, tablet, or any other device! This transition to Software as a Service (SaaS) as the norm requires developers to effectively integrate with robust tools that scale to handle thousands (or even millions) of requests every second. Apache Kafka is one of the most effective tools for handling those high throughput environments. By Daniel Pereira.
Tags microservices event-driven messaging java software-architecture infosec
Bootstrapping Java Kubernetes apps with spring Initializr and K8s initializer
Posted on October 9, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Build a Spring Boot app and deploy to K8s without writing a single line of YAML. By Daniel Bryant.
Tags cloud devops kubernetes java containers