Tag: Ibm
How military-style training may enhance your cybersecurity strategy
Posted on November 22, 2018, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Article by Michael Kassner about the facility offering realistic cybersecurity training modeled on the approach used by the military and first responders.
Tags ibm cloud devops infosec servers
Create an Alexa skill with serverless and a conversation
Posted on November 1, 2018, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
An article by Niklas Heidloff and Mark Sturdevant from IBM on hot Alexa skills topic. In it you will find how to create an Alexa skill with serverless and a conversation. Apart from Alexa you will also use Watson to discuss the weather, build a conversation, or choose one from a library. Watson is a question-answering computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language, developed in IBM's DeepQA project.
Tags javascript serverless ibm bots miscellaneous nosql
Getting Started With Serverless PHP
Posted on September 3, 2017, Level intermediate Resource Length short
Rob Alen short article in which he takes a look at how to build a simple serverless PHP function. He is interested in Apache OpenWhisk and this article focuses on PHP runtime with IBM OpenWhisk.
Tags php serverless ibm
Exposing OpenWhisk RESTful APIs with API Gateway
Posted on May 2, 2017, Level beginner Resource Length short
Andrew Trice's short blog post describing IBM's API Gateway - the incredibly powerful, scalable, event-driven programming model for building actions (functions) using serverless computing.
Tags serverless javascript IBM