Tag: Functional programming
Clean code applied to JavaScript - Part III. Functions
Posted on January 13, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Carlos Caballero published this story about fundamental tips and advice to generate clean code focusing on the element that allows us to reuse our code: the functions.
Tags javascript programming functional-programming
How to structure your Scala application?
Posted on October 23, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length short
Michał Matłoka wrote this piece about the application organization and structure in Scala. In Scala, one tends to see smaller libraries, which are quite flexible. That is why many things like application structure and life-cycle fully depend on developer.
Tags scala programming java oop functional-programming
How to create a todo list with Phoenix LiveView
Posted on October 17, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Phoenix LiveView is a great solution for anyone who wants to get a real-time app out to the world quickly without spending a ton of time building out both frontend and backend. By Dennis Beatty.
Tags programming erlang functional-programming
Object creation patterns in JavaScript
Posted on September 27, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Kunal Tandon wrote about his run through of the four patterns in JavaScript. To create objects in JS, there are various patterns that can be followed.
Tags javascript web-development oop functional-programming
Why gRPC?
Posted on August 25, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length short
Short explanation focusing on gRPC and it's implementation in Akka (Scala). gRPC is a transport mechanism for request / response and (non-persistent) streaming use cases. Akka gRPC is Open Source and available under the Apache 2 License.
Tags akka scala functional-programming java web-development
Benchmarking Functional Error Handling in Scala
Posted on August 19, 2019, Level advanced Resource Length long
Conventional wisdom has it that using too many functional abstractions in Scala is detrimental to overall program performance. Yet, these abstractions are an immense help if you want to write clean and abstract code. in depth article by Marcin Rzeźnicki.
Tags scala programming java oop functional-programming
Exercises in programming style: FP & I/O
Posted on August 10, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
The article in which author explores one of the foundation of Functional Programming, I/O and how to cope with it. Written by Nicolas Fränkel a developer advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers.
Tags nodejs programming software functional-programming
Golang tutorial for Node.js developers: Getting started
Posted on July 27, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
A tutorial series, which covers the basics of getting started with the Go language, while building an app and exposing it through a REST, GraphQL and GRPC API together. By Tamas Kadlecsik (@tamaskadlecsik); CEO of RisingStack.
Tags programming software-architecture functional-programming
Ten years of Erlang
Posted on July 26, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
The experience and opinion on Erlang form developer joining Erlang community about 10 years ago. The author covers a few things such as hype phases and how this related to Erlang, the ladder of ideas within the language and how that can impact adoption, what changed in his ten years here, and he'll finish up with what he thinks Erlang still has to bring to the programming community at large.
Tags programming software-architecture functional-programming
Home grown IoT - simple DevOps
Posted on July 20, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
The guide by Aaron Powell on topic of IoT and DevOps. When it comes to CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) for IoT projects it can feel a bit daunting, you've got this tiny little computer that you're trying to get stuff onto, it's not just "the cloud" that you're targeting. This is part 7 in series of 8 articles.
Tags functional-programming software iot software-architecture
The Hows, Whats, and Whys of Elixir Telemetry
Posted on July 18, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
An article by Samuel Mullen in which author looks at the collecting and measuring data about their processes and applications. "What gets measured gets managed -- even when it's pointless to measure and manage it, and even if it harms the purpose of the organisation to do so."
Tags programming erlang functional-programming elixir web-development monitoring
Setup vim for elixir development
Posted on July 9, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length short
A guide by Amirali Esmaeili for developers programming in Elixir. As the title says, it's not a topic about choosing suitable editor / IDE for elixir development, you love vim and ofcourse elixir and all you need is a simple guide get a nice, fast and productive environment for elixir development in vim.
Tags elixir programming functional-programming miscellaneous how-to