Tag: Code refactoring
What is a Computed Property in Swift?
Posted on January 16, 2021, Level beginner Resource Length short
Computed properties are part of a family of property types in Swift. Stored properties are the most common which save and return a stored value whereas computed ones are a bit different. By Antoine van der Lee.
Tags swiftlang programming app-development web-development oop code-refactoring
Rust vs Go
Posted on November 7, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Which is better, Rust or Go? Which language should you choose for your next project, and why? How do the two compare in areas like performance, simplicity, safety, features, scale, and concurrency? By John Arundel.
Tags programming golang cio code-refactoring software performance
Why I'm excited about Cloudflare's automatic platform optimization for WordPress
Posted on October 8, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Cloudflare released "Automatic Platform Optimization" (APO), a new performance optimization service for WordPress sites. By Brian Li.
Tags cloud web-development performance code-refactoring
Exploring site speed optimisations with WebPageTest and Cloudflare Workers
Posted on October 7, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
One of the common questions often asked by clients is "What difference will the changes you're recommending make to our site's speed"? By Andy Davies.
Tags nodejs web-development performance code-refactoring javascript
Everything about null in JavaScript
Posted on October 4, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
JavaScript has 2 kinds of types: primitives (strings, booleans, numbers, symbols) and objects. But there are situations when an object cannot be created. For such cases, JavaScript provides a special value null -- which indicates a missing object. By Dmitri Pavlutin.
Tags nodejs javascript programming code-refactoring
Railway oriented programming in Scala
Posted on August 1, 2020, Level advanced Resource Length long
An article by Pierre Jambet about his discovery of Railway Oriented Programming (ROP).
Tags scala software-architecture functional-programming code-refactoring software java
Top 5 threats to apis servicing mobile apps
Posted on July 20, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
David Stewart put together this blog post about security threats to APIs. As mobile apps become increasingly paramount to operating successfully in today's markets, a big question mark over API security is raised. Gartner has previously predicted that by 2022, "API abuses will be the most-frequent attack vector resulting in data breaches for enterprise web applications." Since every mobile app out there is powered by APIs, securing them is clearly a top priority.
Tags apis infosec web-development code-refactoring json restful
REST API with Elixir/Phoenix - beginner's tutorial
Posted on July 18, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
For this tutorial, we are going to write a simple Books REST API with database persistence using PostgreSQL. The requirements are to have a single endpoint on /api/books that allows CRUD operations over the books resource. By Dairon Medina Caro.
Tags apis web-development code-refactoring json restful erlang elixir
Mastering AWS Kinesis data streams
Posted on July 14, 2020, Level advanced Resource Length long
An article by Anahit Pogosova in which she describes how she has been working with AWS Kinesis Data Streams for several years, dealing with over 0.5TB of streaming data per day. Rather than telling you about all the reasons why you should use Kinesis Data Streams (plenty is written on that subject), she will talk about the things you should know when working with the service.
Tags software-architecture event-driven messaging big-data cio data-science code-refactoring
C# Delegates with IoC containers and Dependency Injection
Posted on May 26, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Developers are usually encouraged to do dependency injection with interfaces. Some developers don't know that they can do dependency injection with delegates, and there are good reasons to do this. By Christian Findlay.
Tags programming code-refactoring software software-architecture
How to refactor code that has no tests using the Golden Master technique
Posted on May 11, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length short
The number one rule when refactoring is to always have tests in place before you start refactoring. Without tests, refactoring becomes a risky endeavor. Written by Mak.
Tags code-refactoring software-architecture web-development
Using the Python zip() function for Parallel Iteration
Posted on October 28, 2019, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Leodanis Pozo Ramos wrote this tutorial about Python's zip() function. It creates an iterator that will aggregate elements from two or more iterables.
Tags python programming code-refactoring performance