Tag: Aws
Write reusable code for AppSync JavaScript resolvers
Posted on March 6, 2023, Level beginner Resource Length short
Learn how to share code between AppSync JS resolvers. AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that allows developers to build scalable and performant GraphQL APIs. It is also serverless, meaning that you will only pay for what you use. By Benoît Bouré.
Tags nodejs javascript aws frontend apis database
AWS introduces step functions distributed map for large-scale parallel data processing
Posted on February 14, 2023, Level beginner Resource Length long
AWS recently announced a distributed map for Step Functions, a solution for large-scale parallel data processing. Optimized for S3, the new feature of the AWS orchestration service targets interactive and highly parallel serverless data processing workflows. By Renato Losio.
Tags aws app-development serverless web-development devops
How I built a simple Forex app with Telegram bots and AWS Lambda
Posted on February 6, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
This is the journey of author to create serverless solution written in Go which enabled him to be notified about best currency exchange rates for his small business. Nice one!
Tags golang bots serverless aws apis
How Swift code runs on AWS Lambda
Posted on January 29, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Intel TDX meets the Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC) standard for hardware-enforced memory protection not controlled by the cloud provider, all while delivering minimal performance impact with no code changes. By Mark Russinovich Chief Technology Officer and Technical Fellow, Microsoft Azure.
Tags aws swiftlang cloud serverless
Event-driven APIs with webhook and API Gateway
Posted on January 24, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
This post elaborates on building event-driven APIs by making use of Webhook and API Gateway, we understand the role of each in this solution. By Bobur Umurzokov.
Tags aws event-driven distributed apis web-development serverless
AWS Lambda: Resilience under-the-hood
Posted on January 23, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length long
AWS Lambda comprises over 80 services working together to provide the serverless compute service that it offers to customers. Under the hood, many of these services are built on top of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, provisioned within Availability Zones. However, AWS Lambda is a Regional service. By Adrian Hornsby (Principal System Dev Engineer) and Marcia Villalba (Principal Developer Advocate).
Tags aws distributed apis app-development serverless
Grafana Loki: Architecture and running in Kubernetes with AWS S3 storage and boltdb-shipper
Posted on January 10, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length long
In the new project, there is no logging system at all, and since we all love the Grafana stack, we also decided to use Loki for logging. Loki is built on a microservices architecture, with all microservices assembled into a single binary. By Arseny Zinchenko.
Tags monitoring cicd cio devops cloud aws
Proper SOA isolation: The 3 frontiers
Posted on January 9, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Building service is easy. Isolating that service, it's easier said than done. Anyone can build any service with any technology or stack. However, would this service last, or will it become technical debt? Many organizations trying to go all in with microservices end up with distributed monoliths instead of isolated services. By Diego Pacheco.
Tags serverless programming devops cloud aws
Organize your AWS Serverless code to prevent merge conflicts
Posted on January 8, 2023, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
How do you prevent the most common merge conflicts when your team is working on a Serverless application? How do you make sure that your team stays productive and avoids large merge issues while trying to update the same crucial files simultaneously? By Mark Curtis, Juan Peredo, and Tom Romano.
Tags serverless programming devops cloud aws
Ten essential cloud DevOps tools for AWS
Posted on December 6, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Building, testing, and monitoring applications in the cloud is a unique challenge. While many organizations have embraced a DevOps methodology, their DevOps machine is still not at the level of maturity they might like it to be. According to a recent survey, 53% work on a team with a 'low level' of DevOps based on maturity factors. By Dave Armlin.
Tags apis cloud devops web-development aws
What to consider when modernizing APIs with GraphQL on AWS
Posted on November 2, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length intermediate
In the next few years, companies will build over 500 million new applications, more than has been developed in the previous 40 years combined (see IDC article). API operations enable innovation. By Lewis Tang.
Tags programming app-development cloud apis aws
Implement step-up authentication with Amazon Cognito
Posted on September 25, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In this blog post, you'll learn how to protect privileged business transactions that are exposed as APIs by using multi-factor authentication (MFA) or security challenges. These challenges have two components: what you know (such as passwords), and what you have (such as a one-time password token). By using these multi-factor security controls, you can implement step-up authentication to obtain a higher level of security when you perform critical transactions. By Salman Moghal, Mahmoud Matouk, and Ozair Sheikh.
Tags aws devops infosec app-development