Tag: Apis
Introducing workerd: Open source workers runtime
Posted on September 28, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Introduction to workerd, the JavaScript/Wasm runtime based on the same code that powers Cloudflare Workers. workerd is Open Source under the Apache License version 2.0. workerd shares most of its code with the runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers, but with some changes designed to make it more portable to other environments. By Kenton Varda.
Tags serverless devops software-architecture apis cloud infosec
Kotlin JDSL: Let's use Kotlin to easily write reactive Criteria API
Posted on September 27, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
In this post, we'll be looking at Kotlin JDSL Reactive modules. While many of you might have a preconceived notion that JPA cannot be reactive, Hibernate released a reactive JPA library called Hibernate Reactive. By Hyunsik Kang.
Tags programming kotlin functional-programming jvm apis
How to learn JavaScript faster – Tips and resources to get started coding JS
Posted on September 20, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length long
JavaScript is a programming language commonly used for web development, among many other things. It works in conjunction with HTML and CSS to add dynamic functionality to websites. By Annoh Karlgusta.
Tags nodejs javascript apis app-development learning
Reducing graph complexity using Go and transitive reduction
Posted on September 19, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) serve a wide variety of applications in computer science, biology, sociology, and other fields that involve complex networks. While these graphs often contain a large number of edges, some of the edges might be redundant, making computations unnecessarily expensive and the graph structure harder to understand. By Dominik Braun.
Tags apis app-development performance golang database
Arm64 performance improvements in .NET 7
Posted on September 12, 2022, Level advanced Resource Length medium
The .NET team has continued improving performance in .NET 7, both generally and for Arm64. Following along the lines of ARM64 Performance in .NET 5, in this post author will describe the performance improvements the team made for Arm64 in .NET 7 and the positive impact it had on various benchmarks. By Kunal Pathak.
Tags programming performance apis azure
How to program an IoT device in Elixir using Nerves?
Posted on September 9, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length short
Elixir is a great choice language for IoT devices due to its fault-tolerant nature, but also because of the ability to handle a lot of concurrent I/O operations thanks to the BEAM scheduler running under the hood. By Artur Ziętkiewicz.
Tags iot elixir servers performance distributed apis
Hosting ASP.NET Core web api with AWS Lambda – Truly serverless REST APIs
Posted on September 1, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
In this article, we will learn about hosting ASP.NET Core Web API with AWS Lambda in a rather simple-to-follow manner. It is going to be as simple as developing a .NET 6 Web API as you would normally do using Controllers or Minimal APIs, and running some CLI commands which will deploy your API as Lambda Function to AWS Lambda super fast! By Mukesh Murugan.
Tags bots apis programming learning cloud devops
Understanding asynchronous APIs
Posted on August 29, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
If you've worked mostly with REST APIs, you might not be as familiar with asynchronous API protocols like WebSocket and gRPC. Asynchronous APIs allow you to stream data, send multiple requests at the same time, and manage communication intelligently between services, while synchronous APIs require you to make a new request every time you need data. By Melinda Gutermuth.
Tags app-development devops apis cloud
Make a bot for simple interactions in MS Teams using webhook
Posted on August 24, 2022, Level beginner Resource Length medium
Have you ever had an idea to ask a bot to perform a simple interaction? Then this article is for you. By Lee Ford.
Tags app-development devops miscellaneous apis
How to manage your Flutter monorepos
Posted on July 25, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Monorepos are extremely helpful when working with larger codebases. But they also come with additional management costs. In this article, we will go through the process of managing a monorepo with a tool like Melos and set up our repository for CI/CD with Codemagic. By @codemagic.io.
Tags app-development android apis ios cicd web-development
How to visualize your Apache Kafka data the easy way with stream lineage
Posted on July 24, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Understanding how data flows and is transformed across the different layers of an organization's application and data stack is one of the most challenging governance problems companies are facing today. Who is producing data? By David Araujo and Julia Peng.
Tags app-development messaging apis apache streaming
The 2022 API platform landscape: Trends and challenges
Posted on July 23, 2022, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
How API management needs to evolve beyond its roots. This change is necessitated by APIs moving from being connective glue to being the primary building blocks of modern software. We also defined the key components of the new age of API platforms in our API platform landscape. Our intent was to describe how the many different pieces of technology and tooling fit together to help organizations deliver on the API-first model of software development. By Abhinav Asthana.
Tags app-development web-development apis restful