Tag: Apis
WebAssembly: Introduction to WebAssembly using Go
Posted on June 30, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
Welcome to tutorial no. 1 of our WebAssembly tutorial series. JavaScript has been the only programming language that the browser understands. JavaScript has stood the test of time and it has been able to deliver the performance needed by most web applications. But when it comes to 3D games, VR, AR, and image editing apps, JavaScript is not quite up to the mark since it is interpreted. Published on golangbot.bot by Naveen Ramanathan.
Tags apis web-development distributed browsers javascript
Service mesh comparison: Istio vs Linkerd
Posted on June 29, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
From the latest CNCF annual survey, it is pretty clear that a lot of people are showing high interest in service mesh in their project and many are already using in Production. Nearly 69% are evaluating Istio, and 64% are evaluating Linkerd. By infracloud.io.
Tags software-architecture apis kubernetes distributed cloud containers devops
The 4 most common API developer portal mistakes
Posted on April 15, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length long
How (not) to put your APIs in a freezer while implementing a Frankensite or an API Ghosttown. In this article we will investigate developer portal anti-patterns -- common solutions to developer portal problems where the solution is ineffective and may result in undesired consequences. By Diliny Corlosquet.
Tags apis software-architecture programming web-development
The benefits and trade-offs of going serverless
Posted on April 9, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
Ovie Okeh is the author of this article on logrocket.com about a journey from monolithic apps running on a server to flexible units running on ephemeral instances. So why is the serverless popular? What does the term serverless mean?
Tags web-development serverless cio cicd apis
Graphql vs REST: Which one is better? (2020)
Posted on March 30, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length long
When you need to build an API, your mind will likely jump to REST, the de facto standard for API creation. However, this is changing with the increase of GraphQL popularity. This post was originally posted in May 2019 and updated in March 2020. Published by João Inez on imaginarycloud.com.
Tags apis nodejs web-development software-architecture
Building an adaptive, multi-tenant stream bus with Kafka and Golang
Posted on February 20, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Back in the 2000s, SOAP/WSDL with ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) was the dominant server-side architecture for many companies. Since the 2010s, microservices and service mesh technologies have grown wildly and thus became the de-facto industry standards. By Xinyu Liu.
Tags software-architecture apache streaming apis devops web-development programming
Scaling payments for Black Friday 2019
Posted on February 3, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length short
A blog post about Black Friday's production scalability experience in payments provider company named iyzico. By Yalçın Yenigün.
Tags software-architecture apis web-development agile
Successfully porting complex data-driven frontends to React with GraphQL
Posted on January 25, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length short
When porting existing code to React, there is a couple of things to look out for. This article shares my experience while porting a section of a Rails app to React and consuming data through GraphQL. By Neel Barthel.
Tags react nodejs javascript apis web-development
Create a React Native image recognition app with Google Vision API
Posted on January 23, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
Aman Mittal created this tutorial which focuses on utilizing Google Cloud Vision API for you React Native App. Google Cloud Vision API is a machine learning tool that can classify details from an image provided as an input into thousands of different categories with pre-trained API models.
Tags miscellaneous apis google restful
Introducing Mocking Hans - An open source tool for creating fake APIs
Posted on January 9, 2020, Level intermediate Resource Length medium
An article by Kevin about Hans. Hans is a small Node application for faking APIs - but not just a single REST API using HTTP. It allows for creating multiple APIs using different ports and protocols (like native WebSockets or even GraphQL).
Tags apis nodejs restful web-development
An overview of server-side HTTP APIs in Go
Posted on January 4, 2020, Level beginner Resource Length medium
An tutorial by Abhishek Gupta in which he explores the net/http package in Golang which provides the server and client-side APIs for HTTP services.
Tags golang programming apis web-development
Build a simple blog using Axios with React
Posted on December 26, 2019, Level beginner Resource Length short
In this article, we are going to learn how to use Axios with React to make API requests and also how to handle the response. We'd learn this by building a simple blog using a fake API server. By Dillion Megida.
Tags react web-development programming how-to apis