I like TypeScript, but I prefer the JSDoc syntax for writing it. That should be obvious if you’ve read any of my JavaScript articles, especially Get Started With TypeScript the Easy Way. By Austin Gil.
* @template numOrStr
* @param {numOrStr} input
* @returns {numOrStr extends number ? number : string}
function double(input) {
if (typeof input === 'number') {
return input * 2
return input + input
Function overloads are when you define the same function more than once in order to capture different functionality.
The article makes a good job explaining:
- What is function overloading?
- Defining function overloads in JSDoc
We liked: TypeScript also offers generics which you can combine with conditional types to determine the input type and conditionally return a specific type based on what the input is. All of that can even work with JSDoc thanks to the @template keyword (which is not well documented). TypeScript is great, and JSDoc is great, but once in a while, the documentation for complex things is sparse. Good read!
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