Various debugging methods in OpenResty

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In OpenResty’s communication group, developers often ask this question: How do debug in OpenResty? As far as I know, there are some tools in OpenResty that support breakpoint debugging, including a plugin in VSCode, but they are not widely used so far. Including the author agentzh and a few contributors I know, everyone uses the simplest ngx.log and ngx.say to do debugging. By

In the OpenResty world, SystemTap and flame graph are the standard tools for dealing with tough problems and performance issues. If you have a question about this on a mailing list or issue, the project maintainer will ask you to upload a flame graph and ask for a graphical rather than a textual description.

This article copvers toolset OpenResty created specifically for debugging. We’ll start by looking at what’s available for debugging programs:

  • Breakpoints and print logs
  • Binary search algorithm and comment
  • Dynamic debugging
  • Systemtap
  • Other dynamic tracking frameworks
  • Flame graph

It is essential to know that even a non-intrusive technique like dynamic tracking is not perfect. It can only detect a particular individual process; in general, we only turn it on briefly to use the data sampled during that time. So if you need to detect across multiple services or for long periods, you still need a distributed tracing technique like opentracing. Excellent read!

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