An article about how to create a modern, cloud-native application. New open source tools from IBM - Kabanero, Appsody, and Codewind - were created to make it easier for developers to build and deploy cloud-native applications to Kubernetes. By Hafid Haddouti.
This article introduces you to Kabanero and shows you how to use it, along with Appsody and Codewind, to build a Spring Boot application running in Kubernetes.
The article is split into:
- Prerequisites and installation
- Create a Spring Boot project with Appsody
- Codewind integration
Kabanero is a new tool in the young and rapidly changing cloud-native environment. In this article, you saw how Kabanero can integrate with other popular open source projects (Knative, Istio, Tekton etc.) and how out of the box it can handle the configuration, installation, and other infrastructure activities. Good read!
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