In this article we’ll explore the world of messaging APIs and protocols. We’ll identify why developers depend on them and focus on the capabilities of some of the most commonly used messaging APIs and protocols. By Callum Jackson, Richard J. Coppen.
A protocol is just a set of rules that computers follow, allowing them to interact with each other, and with the outside world, in some predictable, deterministic way. At the lowest level, multiple protocols are being employed right now to transmit this text to your browser. Most developers never need to worry about this low-level stuff, and most of the time it is completely transparent to the end user. This is only because both ends have agreed – or maybe assumed – that a particular convention is being followed to share data. As in this case, your browser was expecting HTTP or HTTPS protocol over a TCP/IP socket to deliver some HTML-encoded data that creates some human-readable web content.
The article also mentions:
- Enterprise messaging
- Enterprise messaging protocols
- Choosing your enterprise messaging APIs and protocols
- Proprietary Protocols
In this article we explained the difference between messaging APIs, protocols, and clients. Easy read!
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