AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an AWS-managed service. It is used by startups, small & mid-sized businesses for web application development. As it comes pre-configured with EC2 server and is efficient at using automatic provisioning of services and resources, handling application code and environment configurations seems easier with this PaaS solution. By Morgan Perry.
However, Elastic Beanstalk has confusing documentation that may not be able to help you in deployments. As you will be doing a lot of deployments, which are neither transparent nor reliable, it might eat up a lot of your time.
The article then compares and lists pros and cons for:
- Google App Engine
- Microsoft Azure App Service
- Cloud Foundry
- Qovery
Whether AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, all the most popular cloud service providers have created a PaaS offering to their existing services (IaaS). It helps its customers utilize the convenience of PaaS, alongside its significant benefits, such as lower cost, speedy deployment, and better scalability. Good read!
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