Let’ checkout how to connect Symfony with Amazon SQS and SNS Services by using a Symfony component. By Stefan Pöltl.
We are going to use a Command-Bus pattern that separates the description, what needs to be done, from where it’s going to happen. It’s like getting an order in a restaurant that gets prepared in the kitchen. In our case we will create a TestMessage object, that gets send and consumed by a handler.
What is the Symfony Messenger? It’s a Message-Bus that can be used for the following design patterns:
- Command-Bus
- Query-Bus
- Event-Bus
The article then describes in great detail and provides code plus screen shots for:
- Setup the Symfony project
- Create a SQS queue in your AWS account
- How to create the queue
- Configure the Symfony project
- Build a command to send data to the SQS queue
- Debug Messages in SQS
- Consume Queue Messages and send notifications with SNS
… and much more. The article also explains many concpets, i.e.what is SnsClient, what is SQS, message limitations etc. Good read!
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