When you start learning Linux, you begin with a standard set of Linux commands that have been in existence since the UNIX days. As you grow old as a Linux user, you keep on mastering the same set of standard commands. By Abhishek Prakash.
But these standard, legacy commands were created several decades ago and while they do their intended jobs, their functionalities could be improved and the structure could be simplified.
The article then covers these alternatives:
- HTTPie: Alternative to wget and curl
- bat: Alternative to cat
- ncdu: Alternative to du command
- htop: Alternative to top command
- fd: Alternative to the find command
- exa: Alternative to ls command
- duf: Alternative to the df command
- tldr: Alternative to man command
- neovim: Alternative to Vim
Again, these alternative commands should not be considered as a drop-in replacement, specially if you manage numerous Linux systems. You may not find and install them on all the systems. They are good only if you have full control on your Linux machine(s). Excellent comparison!
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