Java theory and practice: Explore new Java SE 11 and 12 APIs and language features

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Mohamed Taman from IBM wrote this guide focusing on what is new in Java. New classes, security features, HTTP Client, and a no-compile code launch technique that every developer should know.

The article focuses on tracking the evolution from Java SE 9 to version 12. It is split into features that are visible to all developers (which are so useful, you’ll wonder how you coded without them) and everything else (the “under the hood” features).

New features visible to developers:

  • APIs and methods
  • Utility classes
  • Language features
  • Under the hood features
    • Nest-based access control
    • Flight Recorder
    • Transport Layer Security 1.3 (TLS)
    • Unicode 10
  • Deprecated modules and methods
  • What happened to JavaFX?

Starting with Java SE 11 and for the first time in Java history, you can execute a script containing Java code directly without compilation. The Java 11 source execution feature makes it possible to write scripts in Java and execute them directly from the command line.

Click for link to detailed list of methods and features. Good overview of new Java!

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