An introduction to event-driven architecture

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What is an Event-driven Architecture?. This concept of event-driven architecture (EDA) refers to the new message processing method, which interacts through generation and consumption events, and is generally implemented through a publish-subscribe model? By JIN.

Also, the EDA has not a deterministic response time for processing input events. Event notifications imply the change in the state of the system, which can be triggered by the event input.

The traditional request-driven model and the EDA are complementary. The traditional request-driven model depends on the trust between the workers themselves. Request = command, Event = trigger.

EDA comprises 4 modes

  • Event notification
  • Event carried state transfer
  • Event sourcing
  • Command Query Responsibility Segregation, CQRS

There are several core aspects to understand: Sending and subscribing need to use, for example, Kafka, RocketMQ, RabbitMQ, etc as a message queue service. The message event stream needs to form a stream library connection structure with the database. For example, during the message processing, the database must support high-strength random search of real-time streams, find out the data related to the order and pass the right message to notify downstream service. Event Stream Processing flow will go through 4 steps (collect, enhance, analyze and dispatch) to generate an output event. (Apache Flink, Amazon Kinesis, Azure stream analytics). Event Stream Processing flow will go through 4 steps (collect, enhance, analyze and dispatch) to generate an output event. (Apache Flink, Amazon Kinesis, Azure stream analytics). And so much more to learn in this article!

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Tags miscellaneous cio event-driven messaging app-development programming