Improving third-party web performance at the Telegraph

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Written by Gareth Clubb this article is about improving the performance of the telegraph frontend. Improving the performance impact of third-party scripts on a website takes time; results won’t come overnight, but by being patient and chipping away slowly, eventually these efforts will be rewarded.

His article focuses on:

  • Creating a Performance Culture
  • Breaking down the silos (build a rapport)
  • Deferring all JavaScript
  • Regular audits of the tag managers
  • Testing each additional tag request
  • Monitoring
  • Aim for smaller bundles and reduce parse/compile times

By following best practice advice for web performance, involving teams from across the organisation and making our changes visible – the business and most importantly our users can see the real benefits. No matter where a person lives, what device or connection they use – we should all have the same access to news and information.

Good read!

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Tags web-development performance how-to frontend javascript