Elixir is a great choice language for IoT devices due to its fault-tolerant nature, but also because of the ability to handle a lot of concurrent I/O operations thanks to the BEAM scheduler running under the hood. By Artur Ziętkiewicz.
In the article author discusses:
- Minimum requirements
- Configuration
- Setting up an Over-The-Air updating
- Adding web interface with Phoenix
- Other UI libraries
Nerves is a platform that comes with a set of tooling that simplifies the process of creation and maintenance of an Elixir app on IoT devices. Software built using it are already battle-tested and working on production. Nerves supports most common boards (for example, every type of Raspberry Pi), but there’s one restriction: it has to be able to run Linux, that’s because Nerves actually runs your Elixir program on a lightweight Linux distro. Nice one!
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