How to optimize SQL queries for faster data retrieval

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SQL (Structured Query Language), as you probably, know, helps you collect data from databases. It is specifically designed for that. In other words, it works with rows and columns, allowing you to manipulate data from databases using SQL queries. By Nate Rosidi.

The article focuses on:

  • Why Do We Need SQL Query Optimization?
  • SQL query optimization techniques
    • Use SELECT With Specified Fields Instead of SELECT ‘*’
    • Avoid Using SELECT DISTINCT
    • Avoid using loops
    • Use wild cards properly
    • Use top or LIMIT to limit the number of sample results
    • Use indexes
    • Bonus section: Use SQL query optimization tools

Due to the complexity of long codes and highly complex queries, you might consider using query optimization tools. You will find a list of tools together with small explanation for each of them at the end of the article. Nice one!

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Tags database software performance big-data analytics