How to learn JavaScript faster – Tips and resources to get started coding JS

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JavaScript is a programming language commonly used for web development, among many other things. It works in conjunction with HTML and CSS to add dynamic functionality to websites. By Annoh Karlgusta.

The article will cover in some depth following:

  • How to learn JavaScript faster – an overview
  • How to practice coding in JavaScript
  • Why you should read the documentation
  • Some best practices you can adopt from reading documentation
  • How to contribute to open source projects
  • How to find projects to contribute to
  • Why you should build lots of projects
  • Resources that might inspire you to build projects

Practicing is what makes you progress. Whether it’s in music, dancing, singing, playing basketball – or coding. Practicing is really repetitive and can be tiring, but it is what helps us and sets us apart in the long run. It is through the action of practicing and repetition that we are able to be good at all these activities. Coding is not different. Good read!

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