Shift left vs shift right: A DevOps mystery solved

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Shift left and shift right are core testing concepts of the agile DevOps methodology, which speeds up application development by releasing small builds frequently as code evolves. As part of the continuous cycle of progressive delivery, DevOps teams are also adopting shift left and shift right principles to ensure software quality in these dynamic environments. By Saif Gunja.

The article then explains:

  • In DevOps, what is shift left? And what is shift right?
  • Why is shift left important?
  • What does shift right mean in DevOps?
  • Why shift right and shift left are critical for microservices architecture
  • Types of shift right tests
  • Types of shift left tests
  • The application security dividend of shift right and shift left

… and more. Shift right is the practice of performing testing, quality, and performance evaluation in production under real-world conditions. Shift right methods ensure that applications running in production can withstand real user load while ensuring the same high levels of quality. Nice one!

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