GitOps using Helm3 and Flux for Node.js and Express.js Microservice

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In this tutorial author will show you how to build a GitOps pipeline for a Node.js application built with Express.js. The application was created in an earlier tutorial. Rather than deploying new versions manually, flux will deploy it to Kubernetes whenever a build of the Docker image is available. By Alex Ellis.

The article also goes through:

  • Why FluxCD and what are the alternatives?
  • How to get and run Kubernetes cluster
  • How to get and install Helm 3
  • Sample app, config repo and HelmRelease
  • Automate deployments for new versions

At the end of the tutorial, every new version of our app will be automatically updated in the cluster. What’s more, if we delete our cluster by accident, we can recover quickly because all of our resources are defined in our Git repository. This means we can easily re-create them in a new cluster.

You will also get plenty of links to further resources and link to GitHub repository with all the code. Also check an earlier tutorial for the app deployed: Guide to Helm 3 With an Express.js Microservice. Marvelous!

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Tags devops kubernetes software-architecture containers golang