Getting started with Kubeflow on AWS using MiniKF

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The Kubeflow project was announced back in December 2017 and has since become a very popular machine learning platform with both data scientists and MLOps engineers. If you are new to the Kubeflow ecosystem and community, here’s a quick rundown. By Jimmy Guerrero.

In the article you will get the link to video in which author will demonstrate the following:

  • Launch a MiniKF AMI from the AWS Marketplace
  • Configure the instance for MiniKF
  • Deploy all the necessary components including Kale and Rok
  • Bring up the Kubeflow UI to start your first project

Kubeflow is dedicated to making deployments of machine learning (ML) workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable and scalable. In a nutshell, Kubeflow is the machine learning toolkit for Kubernetes. As such, anywhere you are running Kubernetes, you should also be able to run Kubeflow. You will also get links to further resources and reading related to Kubeflow. Good read!

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Tags app-development devops kubernetes containers aws