A deep dive into OpenTelemetry metrics

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OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability framework for infrastructure instrumentation hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The project gained a lot of momentum with contributions from all major cloud providers (AWS, Google, Microsoft) as well as observability vendors (including Timescale) to the point it became the second-highest ranked CNCF project by activity and contributors, only coming second to Kubernetes itself. By James Blackwood-Sewell.

Diagram illustrating the elements of the MeterProvider in OpenTelemetry

Source: https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/06/08/a-deep-dive-into-opentelemetry-metrics/ OpenTelemetry aims to define a single standard across all types of observability data (which it refers to as signals), including metrics, logs, and traces. Through a collection of tools, libraries, APIs, SDKs, and exporters, OpenTelemetry radically simplifies the process of collecting signals from your services and sending them to the backend of your choice, opening the doors of observability to a wider range of users and vendors.

  • OpenTelemetry metrics
  • Measurements to metrics
  • Instruments and emitting measurements
  • Views and aggregations

A View in OpenTelemetry defines an aggregation, which takes a series of measurements and expresses them as a single metric value at that point in time. As more measurements are created, the metric is continuously updated. If there is no View created for an Instrument, then a default aggregation is selected based on the Instrument type. Custom views can be targeted by Meter name, Instrument name, Instrument type, or with a wildcard. Nice one!

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