Bridging security gaps in WFH and hybrid setups

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Hybrid and work-from-home (WFH) arrangements take employees from the safety of the more secure and monitored environment of the office. These arrangements blur the division between enterprise and home networks while subsequently expanding the attack surface for both environments. How can these security gaps be bridged? By

This guide then walks you over:

  • Threats facing remote work arrangements
  • Phishing
  • Home network threats
  • File transfer risks and unsecure tools
  • VPN vulnerabilities

Organizations and individual users alike should be privy to these threats since in hybrid and WFH setups their consequences can more easily traverse both home and office networks. Given that WFH and hybrid setups test the idea of cybersecurity as a shared responsibility, what can employees and organizations do to prevent threats and bridge the security gap between office and home networks?!

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